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Starting my first Whole30 on September 14th


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Hi all,


My name's Re and I came to the Whole30 by a series of books and discussions over the last year. I read the sample of It Starts with Food on iBooks and it was like I was hit by a lightning bolt!  I've done a 10 day juice cleanse before and felt really good but the more I read about this the more I'm nodding at the changes people report. 


I'm a chunky marathon runner (totally a thing) and I've had real good fitness for the last few years but I know you can't out run the fork.  I'm halfway through my 30s and I think it's about time I got on top of stuff as I want to be as active at 70 as I am now.


I'm also off travelling for 8 months at the end of January and I'd like to be in tip top condition.


Let me know if you're starting around that date and we can spot each other.  Otherwise looking forward to hearing all the tips and hits from everyone.




Rehanon :)

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Hello Re...I'm also new to the Whole30 program and I was planning to start on September 14th too.  I have both books and I am ready to do this.  I also joined Planet Fitness I have been a member for 2 weeks now and starting to get an exercise rountine. I would like if we can hook up and we can help each other through this journey.


Teeny :)

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I started yesterday too!!  Would love to join a FB group.  It would be fun to just talk to people on the same day.  I'm mostly normal..I think :)  Momma to 2 babies..getting by, and like to have some sort of "self improvement" project going on at..most times.  Determined to see this through!

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Hello all,

I started Whole30 for the first time yesterday and would love to have folks to talk to who are doing it at the same time.

I am in my mid 40s and whilst I was a skinny teenager and into my twenties, I have mainly struggled with my weight from my thirties onwards, and especially since having my 2 lovely children. I am about 60 pounds overweight, but I would be delighted to lose anything at all. I also suffer from asthma and joint pain, so I'm hoping that a reduction in inflammation will help with that too.

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