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Day 9 and already noticing MS improvement


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So I guess I'm a little late to the party. I never introduced myself before I started but better late than never! My name is Karen, I'm 38 years old and I live in southern New Hampshire.

This is my first whole 30. Taking on this challenge in hopes of improving my MS symptoms and shedding a few extra pounds that I've been smuggling in my pants. I started on September 8th, the day after Labor Day and I don't think I was truly prepared. But I draged myself through the first week, considered quitting on day 5 but made it through, and now I'm rocking and rolling on day 9. In the last day I have had what I think is an amazing nonscale victory.

I've been living with MS for over 14 years. For the last 6 1/2 years I've been on an MS drug with a half-life of about 12 days and on the 28th I have to go to the hospital for an IV infusion. Normally around Day 25 I start to poop out, infusion day is really tough and I struggle a few days after my infusion. So yesterday was day 8 for me, which also happened to be infusion day and I popped out of bed with so much energy... I almost forgot it was infusion day. I walked into the hospital with a spring in my step and the nurses were telling me how great and energized I looked. When I returned to work this morning my coworkers were all confused and wondering how I had so much energy the day after my infusion.

I feel like the whole 30 is not just giving me the gift of energy, but also giving me the gift of time. I used to only get three good weeks out of the month and the other week I'd be resting before and after my infusion. Now I may be able to stay active all month! I'm so happy!

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