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Starting tomorrow Sunday 9/19 ... (after failed start 9/18!)


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My lack of planning derailed me on my first day, but  I'm very happy that it was day one and not day 29!  I was in my kitchen at 9pm last night wondering what to bring to work for breakfast / lunch and thinking "I really need to get to sleep since I get up at 4 am".   I finally started a batch of chili, did the dishes and decided a handful of nuts would be fine for breakfast.  Who was I kidding?  When a fish customer gave us some smoked salmon, I dove in - thinking "what a great addition to my breakfast".  I later googled their web site to see what goes into their garlic/pepper salmon - and it also includes brown sugar!  Damn! 

Takeaway from today .... PLAN the day before.  And don't eat ANYTHING that I haven't brought in myself.  

Starting day one again tomorrow! 

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