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Amara's First Whole30


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Day 1!!!


I was completely annoyed by having to eat a meal this morning but I did it. Scrambled eggs & wilted spinach with a side of leftover steamed mixed veg. I didn't like the flavour of EVOO in my eggs so next time I have eggs I'll use clarified butter or coconut oil. Pretty much had to force myself to eat it and wasn't excited about it at all even though scrambled eggs and wilted spinach is a favourite.


Right now is about a half hour before my lunch break and I'm pretty hungry. I couldn't make myself eat enough of meal 1 to keep me satisfied until meal 2 (I was a constant snacker). I'm sure I'll adjust in a few days. Roasted chicken, a little bit of sweet potato and some steamed broccoli for M2. Completely neglected thinking about a fat for M2 but I have some canned olives so I'll be fine.


I'm surprised to find that I like black coffee, usually I'd add cream and sugar. I was going to put some coconut milk in it but decided to leave it as is. I'm only a one cup a day coffee drinker anyway. The rest of the day is water with or without lemon and herbal tea.

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Well, M3 was pretty awesome after my unwanted M1 and a lacklustre M2. Zoodles and sauce made with ground pork & beef, compliant tomato sauce and tons of chopped veggies.

I hit a wall at about 3:00 this afternoon, been happening in the last few weeks. I'm hoping it stops happening in the next little while. I also went through periods this evening where I felt really hungry (would eat fish and broccoli hungry) and a few minutes later the thought of food was repulsive. It was odd. By the time I got home and finished cooking it had passed and I enjoyed my dinner.

Day 1 done! Well, almost done, I still have to prep some things for lunch and dinner tomorrow.

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So, Day 2 feels like a hangover. They said it would. Not terrible so far but I've only been awake for 90 minutes. Haven't had M1 yet, will eat when I get to work. Eating early in the morning is going to be an issue. Hopefully my only issue.

I quit smoking the day before I started my Whole30. Definitely not ideal! My intention had been to quit smoking and start a Whole30 2 weeks or a month after. That idea came about almost a year ago. I did manage to stop a few times but it never stuck. I wasn't a heavy smoker (4-5 a day & more on wknds and/or with alcohol) but a smoker nonetheless. So far, other than choking up some gross phlegm, it's been fine. Or I've been so focused on food that I haven't noticed. Either way is alright by me.

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Didn't eat M1 until 8:30 even though I was up at 6:30. Not giving myself too much grief over it. It's only Day 2 after all.


M1 was black coffee, hard boiled eggs, chopped tomatoes and cucumbers with oil and vinegar and some olives. Kept me happy until M2  :)


M2 was leftover zoodles and sauce from M3 last night with a couple meatballs that I made from the leftover ground beef and pork. It was pretty yummy.


All in all an ok day so far except for the slightly disconnected feeling I have. It's like someone took my brain away and stuffed my head full of fluff.

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Day 2 M3 was roasted chicken breast, cubed sweet potatoes sautéed in ghee and steamed Brussels sprouts.


I went to bed early yesterday and it was hard to wake up this morning. Day 3 has brought on some grogginess and a bit of the same disconnected feeling from Day 2. I didn't really plan to have an easy couple days at work but thankfully it's happened that way. I'm also a little bit angry at silly little things and/or want to cry a bit. Trying to keep that in check.

Day 3 M1 was 3 small leftover meatballs, a boiled egg, about 3 cups of chopped raw veg and a handful of olives with olive oil and apple cider vinegar as dressing.


I really need to work on making some sauces this weekend. I was going to attempt to make mayo last night but didn’t have the time or energy. Hopefully through days 6 & 7 and just wanting to nap (according to the timeline) I can muster up enough energy to run my blender.

Day 3 M2 was leftover chicken/sweet potatoes/Brussels sprouts all chopped up and thrown in a bowl.


I’m finding that I’m fairly satisfied between meals. I still want to snack but I’m not actually hungry. So far, so good on that aspect. I’m surprised that I’m not craving specific things (potato chips, fries, chocolate) more than I am but it is only halfway through Day 3. There’s plenty of time  ;)

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Day 3 M3 was scrambled eggs, wilted spinach w/ garlic, salsa, half a small sweet potato and a few almonds. I didn't intend on having eggs twice on one day but didn't get home until late. I need to plan for that and leave some emergency protein and almonds at work or at least have almonds in my purse. I could have defrosted some cooked chicken that I have ready just as easily as cooking the eggs I suppose. But then again I had chicken today too. No winning today. Need to get cooked beef and pork in the freezer too.

I was tired and a bit cranky today. Thankfully my family and coworkers are awesome and supportive. And always so very tolerant of my mood swings. Now that I'm thinking of it I wonder if eliminating certain foods will help get rid of moodiness?? Because I've been extremely moody all my life. It might be weird to be a bit more level headed.

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So, it's Day 4 and I woke up kinda scared that I'd be a raging moron & angry at the world. Complete opposite! I can't wipe this damn fool smile off my face! Life is glorious. Even though we got snow last night. I hate snow. Still smiling.

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Day 4 M1 was cold chicken breast, almonds, sweet potato (I was sharing with my pet ratties, they're hooked on sweet potato). That was within about 45 minutes of waking. It wasn't enough though so about an hour later I had a banana and a few (10ish) almonds.


M2 was a big bowl of zoodles and leftover sauce from Day 1 and some olives. I feel like I could eat the same sized meal again even though in the past 3 days it would have been enough. But I also haven't been drinking as much water. So, I'll stick with water and maybe a cup o tea this afternoon and try to not snack before M3. Fingers crossed.

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I did end up having a snack of olives before I left work and a boiled egg at home when dinner was cooking. Portions weren't what they needed to be for the day.


Day 4 M3 was roast beef with roasted root veg (carrots, parsnips, rutabagas, white potatoes) and steamed cauliflower with a dressing of olive oil and spices. I forgot to consider fat intake and ended up eating a handful of olives (again! I'm gonna get sick of em) at the end of my meal. I could have eaten a portion of avocado but didn't think of it until I was done.


Day 5 today and I still don't wanna kill anyone. Again, I woke up in a great mood and today I feel very good physically and emotionally.


Day 5 M1 was a large handful of mixed berries (no veg :( oops! bad planning again) in coconut milk, 2 hard boiled eggs and a small handful of almonds. It was my first experience with coconut milk and I'm hooked! It's so tasty :-) and I'm very glad to have another fat source!


M2 will be leftover beef and root veggies with a half an avocado.


My goals for this weekend are to get some sauces made so I can have some diversity in my meats and something to dip raw veg in and to get some batch cooking done. I also need to start a regular exercise routine, so I'll plan for that too and get a schedule ready to begin next week.

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Day 5 M3 was 2 burger patties, salad greens, avocado and salsa & sparkling water with lemon. Everyone else around me was having pizza and beer. I wasn't even tempted and I'm pretty proud of myself for that.

Today might be a bit of a challenge because I'll be out for most of the day doing errands, shopping, at the hairdresser, etc. I'm taking a bit of food with me but I think I might attempt lunch at a restaurant.

Had a really great, solid 7 hours of sleep last night. Usually I wake up 2 or 3 times. I feel really rested this morning, it's been a long time since I've felt that.

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Day 6 M1 was zucchini, mushrooms, onions and garlic sautéed in coconut oil and 3 scrambled eggs.

M2 was in a restaurant. And I'm angry. I was careful, I ordered a plain salad with a lemon wedge on the side and grilled salmon. I had asked what was in the house dressing and it wasn't compliant. I neglected to ask if the salmon was cooked in anything. It was. In an oil blend that contains soybean oil. I found this out after I ate it. Now my tongue feels like a cat tongue and I'm so mad at myself for not being diligent enough. I can't reset to day 1 now and I don't want to stop. I'm going to just keep going and know it wasn't a "true" Whole30. I had already planned a January Whole30 with my sister in law so I guess this will just be my practise run.

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Day 7 M1 was chicken, white potatoes, zucchini, onion & mushrooms all sautéed in olive oil with garlic & spices.

M2 was burger patties with cucumber, grape tomatoes and olives in a dressing of evoo, cider vinegar and dill.

M3 was lamb with root veg and gravy thickened with tapioca (odd texture) and an apple with almond butter.

While I was disappointed with yesterday's M2 incident I'm kinda glad it happened. I was bloated, gassy and had an upset stomach so I think soy will permanently be out of my diet. I might try a reintroduction for it again after I'm done this 30 but I might not bother. I see no benefit in eating soy in any form anyway.

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Oh, and I got nothing done today. I woke up with severe sciatic nerve pain this morning. Screamed a little when I tried to stand up. So I've been unhappily couch bound for the day and so very thankful for my very helpful family.

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Day 8 M1 was sautéed zucchini, mushrooms, onions and 2 fried eggs

M2 was leftover lamb, carrots & rutabaga

M3 was baby back ribs and potato salad with a bunch of chopped veggies and smooshed avocado and coconut aminos because I haven't made mayo yet. It was pretty good though.

I'm eating too many potatoes I think. I'll make more of an effort to eat veg instead when the rest of the family is having potatoes.

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Day 9 M1 was 2 scrambled eggs with chopped frozen spinach (thawed of course) and a small handful of almonds.

M2 was leftover ribs and my potato, avocado, veg salad from yesterday.

I went to my massage therapist today and my pelvis is twisted (like my mind?) so she worked it back into place. Going back on Thursday for a second session. Painful, I can barely walk still. On the couch now thinking about snacks because I'm bored. I wonder what's for dinner.

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Day 9 M3 was stir fried beef, cauliflower, peppers,onion, zucchini with coconut aminos. I had eaten an apple with almond butter about an hour before so I didn't add any fat other than the ghee it was cooked in. Too many almonds lately? I'll try to keep that in check.

Day 10 today & feel pretty good. M1 was 3 eggs fried in olive oil and tomatoes, cucumbers, olives dressed in evoo, cider vinegar and oregano.

I'm still laid up. It's driving me crazy. I hate not being able to take care of myself fully. Plus, I've got all this freakin energy and can barely walk. Ah well, tomorrow will be a bit better.

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Day 10 M2 was the same salad as M1 but with chicken instead of eggs.

M3 was an apple and almond butter.

Terrible day food wise but I couldn't stand up for long and there wasn't anyone else home to cook for me. Pain is an appetite suppressant too I suppose.

Massage therapy again tomorrow, hopefully walking by next week. At the very least limping without occasionally screaming would be great.

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Day 11 M1 was 3 scrambled eggs and some frozen mixed veg.

M2 was chicken breast sautéed in olive oil, garlic, oregano & thyme with zucchini, carrots and peppers.

Not moving well today. Thankfully my eldest daughter is home to take care of me! Fingers crossed this is over soon. I have a ton of energy and want to do so many things and can't walk. It sucks!

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M3 was fish (not sure what kind other than local, wild), sweet potato, raw cherry tomatoes & peppers. Everyone else had ranch dressing to dip in, I ate my veg plain as I'm still not standing/walking very well so I'm relying on others to feed me. I don't expect that they make me anything spectacular though my husband did make bbq sauce for the ribs the other night.

Massage went well today, getting up after it was completed was hell. Alternating heat and cold has seemed to help this evening. I just want to get up and get things done!

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