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I am a week into Whole 30, and am doing well.  But my kids came home from college this weekend, and along with them we had friends over for supper last night.  That was my biggest challenge of the week!  I did fine with the appetizer portion of the night--used carrots to dip in guac rather than the chips, and didn't cave to the creamy raspberry chipotle cheese dip everyone was raving about!  I made the main course, so that was easy to keep Whole 30 compliant.  However the biggest challenge was dessert! Our friends brought that--normally something I would have eaten 3 pieces of! And I was so close to saying "a small piece won't hurt me."  Instead I chose to share with my friend what I was doing with my diet and why.  Talking with her about it rather than just keeping it to myself gave me a great "out" for why I didn't want dessert.  Success!!  Yeah!!  Felt good to win that battle.  My sugar demon was a big one when I began this adventure.  It is so good to see it dwindling away.  So my advice when you want to cave and don't think it will matter. . . talk it over with someone.  It totally reinforced for me why I want to succeed with this 30 days!!!

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