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Hello from the Arctic!


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Hi everyone! 


My name is Sarah and I am so excited to start my first whole Whole 30! I did a "Whole 12" last month upon discovering the program but I had a trip to Cuba planned and I needed to enjoy it! I've got lots of obstacles that will make the Whole 30 tough for me but also a lot of reasons why it is important to rock it. I live in a remote, fly-in only Arctic community near Alaska but on the Canadian side, so my meat and produce options are limited- I can do it though! Let's say the organic rules need not apply to me lol! I'm also getting married in four months so I am really excited to ensure I fit in my dress and feel fab. I put on a lot of stress and grief weight this year, as I lost my Dad and Nana unexpectedly in two months and honestly- I feel like I've been hit by a train (hence why I needed Cuba- just had to get away and rediscover my self and my strength). It might seem silly but honestly- the Whole 30 lets me control one aspect of the whirlwind that has been my life this year. For a while, thinking about the wedding was sad owing to the faces that won't be there but now, more than ever- I need to fight to carry on to make that day like no other.


Looking forward to meeting you all and thank you for your support, 





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