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Whole30 log starting from day 7 - for accountability!


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Last time I did the whole30 a year ago, I managed to get to day 10, found out I had an egg, nuts and coconut intolerance and basically had to reevaluate everything I had been eating so I never continued but I always wanted to come back and complete it. So I'm doing it now and want to keep myself accountable. I may not do it every single day since I'm busy but when I come back will do a catch up summary.

Reasons why I'm doing this: 1) better energy 2) stress management 3) clear up my skin 4) find out if anything is causing my itchy nose and morning sneezes (I have a feeling it is dairy!)

So day 7 food log:

Turkey mince with leeks, spinach and sauerkraut cooked in olive oil and olive oil drizzled on top. Mango pieces.

Salmon, cucumber noodles, potatoes, spinach, cherry tomatoes and olive oil mix up salad.

Dinner will be slow roasted lamb with various vegetables and onions in the stew and paired with curried courgettes.

I think I have been using fruit to replace sugar too much so over this next week I'm going to work on cutting back on that.

Reasons not to quit: I promised myself I would do this. 7 days in and my nose is less itchy already and I'm sneezing less. Sleep is better but still not jumping out of bed. Muscle recovery faster but I'm finding my workouts feel waay harder - so hopefully that will adjust. I want to feel happy in my body and understand how to fuel myself without sacrificing that.

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Found it hard to wake up this morning, but fell asleep at 10pm super fast so was surpised that I still struggled to get out of bed. Energy levels are good though this morning on Day 8.


Breakfast: Turkey mince with leeks and spinach and olive oil.


Lunch: Slow cooked lamb stew (tomatoes, onions, carrots, celery etc.) with broccoli and steamed white potatoes.


Dinner: I'm having people over for dinner tonight that I haven't seen in months as one lives in America, so I'm making a whole30 compliant dinner menu!


Prosciutto for starters with olives as a little tapas plate, then asian chicken and cucumber noodle salad and then fruit salad. I'm going to have a glass of club soda/kombucha mix in my hand if they have alcohol!



Again the positives of this program so far: significantly less itchy nose and clearer sinuses, more mental clarity and I think my cellulite is going down! 

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Day 9: turkey mince, asparagus & leeks with avocado with Blueberries.

Avocado, chicken, cucumber noodles, cherry tomatoes & potato salad. Three dates (feeding the sugar dragon! I need to stop this!)

Steak and broccoli

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