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My Whole30 Diary


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I didn't see this until now, but I think it will be helpful.  I'm on Day 12 and excited that I am almost halfway there! I actually started a health/body transformation 2 years ago and stumbled onto the Whole30 just recently.  I am down 110# from where I started and my blood pressure was brought down to normal with meds. I am now off the meds and trying to see if it will stay normal (partly why I chose to do the Whole30.) I started running and cycling again but my knees and hips stay sore and achy so I am very interested to see if the Whole30 helps with what I presume is lingering inflammation.


So far:

I created a log/form that I put on my iphone so I can log what I eat easily.  If I don't do it like that, I forget.  I can change/update the form any time and very easily.  (screen shots attached)post-92764-0-31855100-1461873628_thumb.ppost-92764-0-15434200-1461873629_thumb.p


My Challenges:

1- I am going it alone.  My husband supports but he is not doing this.

2- Prepping - finding time


Good Things I've noticed already:

1- Dropped a ring size (although I found out because my wedding ring slipped off in the shower and promptly went down the drain! My husband was able to retrieve it though- phew!).

2- Clothes are looser - people are noticing too.

3- Not eating as much this week as in the first to actually feel full - or maybe I'm just recognizing when I am full better.

4- Running time has improved (1/2 minute improvement on my per mile pace). Knees/hips not as achy

5- More energy

6- Sleeping better/longer

7- Haven't eaten anything I didn't like or wasn't satisfied with.


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