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Day 16, Osteoarthritis…better?


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It happened that I was in great pain from hip arthritis and/or spine problems (the MDs are still working, apparently NOT day and night, to find the precise cause). Whatever it is, inflammation is in play. Arthritis is in play. When the pain is bad, it's through the roof.


For fear I'd get addicted to the Oxycodone I'd been taking occasionally when the pain was unbearable, the doctors prescribed Tramadol, which left me stupefied; I suppose it it isn't addictive because it makes the patient into such an idiot she can't figure out how to take a second pill. I found it a kind of terrifying high, not one I'd willingly repeat.


I'm not a big believer in things "happening for a reason" (all I know is that things happen), but right at the point when I was worrying what I'd do the next time the pain got its teeth in me, and at a point when I was feeling adrift and totally unsure about my dietary habits, my nephew told me about Whole 30. 


That was 18 days ago. I started on it two days later. I haven't needed a big gun painkiller since. 


I know enough about science, however, to also know that this experiment has a major flaw, as I've been taking a pretty high dose of Advil or Aleve (as recommended by my doctor). I'm waiting to see if, at some point, weaning off those will result in the pain returning. 

But, here's the thing: I FEEL like the diet is helping to alleviate the pain. I've had some, but nothing like the through-the-roof pain. And then there's the generally feeling better and more like my old self (young self?), having more energy, sleeping more soundly. I'm still waiting for the few extra pounds I have (maybe ten) to melt away, but fine, whatever. I'm thrilled to be free of weighing myself and obsessing over food. I suppose the transition has been easy for me in part because I like cooking at home, and I'd been eating pretty well before (except the nightly wine festival which sometimes veered into a cheese party).


And having a very supportive partner, even though he isn't doing the Whole 30, helps. When I've gotten discouraged he reminds me that I'm in less pain. (And therefore less cranky). 


I'd love to hear from others with arthritis.

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Hi there! I have arthritis too, and I have done several Whole30's, as well as tried the more restrictive Autoimmune Protocol. I have not needed to go on serious meds,thankfully. Some Aleve, but I have figured out some foods that caused pain and stopped eating them. I hope you continue to feel better, and if you reach a point where you need to go further to heal more, try AIP.

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Thanks, Dreamer. I'm finding that the pain is intermittent, and I think is more related to activity than to diet, but we'll see. I'm going to finish this Whole 30 (one more week) and see where I'm at then. And then maybe try AIP. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all!  I'm on day 12 and loving the freedom I have to eat satisfying meals and from cravings and night grazing!!!

Here's my issue:  new hip pain.

I have arthritis and have noticed a decline in my pain.  But yesterday I hip began hurting.  This morning painful to walk.  I've committed to no NSAIDs for 2 weeks (leaky gut issues).  How do you folks cope with arthritis pain?

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I have been on a mission to heal my osteoarthritis since my diagnosis in February. That is my number one goal for Whole 30.

Except for the night before last (stupid laundry maneuver), I have been pain free for about 10 days! I am also doing acupuncture and I highly recommend this as it was the only thing that gave me compete pain relief...even if it was just for a few hours in the beginning.

I can't take Nsaids (i took them for months and ended up with erisive gastritis...so learn from me and avoid them!), so for pain, when it hits, I use Dr Christopher's Cayenne heat ointment, heating pad for twenty minutes, followed by icing for twenty minutes, repeating heat and ice if needed.

I also try to be very aware of my movements, trying to avoid strain on my effected joints - SI Joint, L4/L5 and that has really helped, but I had to do a lot of research to understand what movements to avoid or alter.

Also I have found that a really hot Epsom salt bath will do wonders, so I do that at least twice a week.

I am currently on day 17 of my first Whole 30

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Try eliminating night shades - potatoes ( sweet ok), peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, paprika, cayenne, Tabasco, Gogi berries. I think these foods, while technically w30 compliment, cause me to have pain in my knees and shoulders as well as headaches. I am starting a second w30 and will include these on my no-no list to make sure they are the problem. So sad since we are growing bell peppers and tomatoes and I love these.

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