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Starting Whole 30 today!


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I have been struggling with all sorts of health issues over the past several, well really 8 years of my life and that is a lot considering I am only 19! I have a chronic stomach condition called SIBO that means I feel sick after almost every meal. There is a diet that I am supposed to follow that I just haven't been able to stick to... and luckily it goes along very well with the Whole 30! I am hoping that the next 30 days will really change my relationship with food, because right now it is super unhealthy. I restrict, I binge, I feel guilty... I am posting this because I know it will help me feel more accountable to actually sticking with this. I think it can be hard for my generation to admit when we need help, and to actually make healthy changes in our lives despite the unhealthy decisions our peers are making. I want to overcome this! 


Thanks for keeping me in line, 

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