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Hey friends,


I completed July whole30 last year in 2015 and I was the best Ive ever felt and looked. Fast forward a year later and Ive been travelling, picking up super bad eating habits and have put on 13 kgs. (In only one year!...not good.)


I need some serious motivation to lose this weight ASAP and I think if some of you want to join me and we can all help each other and kick some serious whole30 ass. My goal is to lose 10kgs in 2 months. Might seem extreme to some but I know if I work really hard and change my diet I can do it. 


I am gluten and dairy intolerant but have been ignoring the fact that I am so I think thats the major culprit of my weight gain. That and lots of chocolate. 


Would love all the help I can get.


P.s Im 22 from Australia if any Aussies wanna join me.

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