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Day 38 and I'm not done yet :)


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I'm my early 50's and very active.  I've struggled with food for awhile, and gained and lost the same 20 pounds many times.  I was just fed up with how much time I spent obsessing about food and battling carb and sugar cravings.  More importantly, I struggled with frequent migraine headaches, requiring multiple days of medication, several times a month.  I knew what I was doing wasn't working.  After seeing how well several friends did on whole 30, I decided it was worth a try.  The first week wasn't fun - sugar cravings weren't too bad, but I just felt like crap and felt really mean.  A friend encouraged me...just get to day 10.....I hung in there and she was right.  I'm currently on day 38 and I feel so good, I'm not ready to stop.  I HAVEN'T TAKEN MIGRAINE MEDICINE IN 30 DAYS!, my hot flashes, muscle aches and chronic congestion are gone,  I have lots of energy and I'm just happy (and I lost 10 pounds).  I crave things like chicken hash and salmon cakes (which you couldn't have paid me to eat before Whole 30), I'm enjoying cooking and I'm actually enjoying vegetables (which I've never been a big fan of).   The big test was my birthday and family reunion over the 4th of July - complete with 2 cakes, 8 kinds of ice cream and lots of other family favorites.  I've always been so frustrated after family events, cause I feel like I'm not in control of my eating.  Well - I had a great time and I didn't even miss the cake and ice cream. (my big indulgence was some Lara bars and sweet potato chips).  It's so wonderful to wake up every day and feel in control over what I'm eating.   I'm such a Whole 30 cheerleader that 5 of my friends have started the program.  THANK YOU WHOLE 30!!

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