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starting second whole30 today


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Hi Everyone


It's day 1 of my second whole30 today, whoo-hoo!


I weighed myself this morning (hadn't done that since before my first whole30) and discovered I'm 16 pounds lighter. That's incredible!


I also tried on some clothes that I hadn't been able to fit into before my first whole30 and they fit again! yeaaah!


It's really motivated me to see what I can achieve over the next 30 days.


My fave NSV from my first whole30 was how my quality of sleep improved.


I didn't reintroduce legumes, really not that keen on them. And I discovered that my body really doesn't like gluten or dairy. I didn't reintroduce sugar either, just easier to keep it out completely.


The big shocker was discovering how alcohol messes with my emotions. I do love red wine and it was the first thing I introduced, but the following day I felt so emotionally low and weepy. I had no idea alcohol was affecting me like that.


So starting my second whole30 doesn't feel as drastic a change, but I've also seen comments in the threads that some people find it harder second time round. So we'll see.....


Anyone else starting a whole30 today?



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Hey there,

Congrats at completing your first Whole30! That's a huge accomplishment. 

Also, congrats on achieving a healthier body! Slipping into old clothes & having them FIT feels amazing. 

I started yesterday, on July 21. This is my first Whole30 & I'm looking to break off this super unhealthy relationship I have with food. It has caused me to gain weight, develop depression & anxiety, and even affected me socially. Yes, this program looks challenging but honestly, the life I've been living is even more difficult to handle. It's time for a change. 

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