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A whole week done already :)


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Wow!  That went quick :)  


So proud of myself for completing seven days  :D


Nsvs:  skin looking clearer

body now knows the difference between thirst and hunger

sleeping better

more energy

cooking healthy meals rather than living on sandwiches and junk

eating three meals a day rather than constantly snacking


Here's to the next seven days  :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for sharing this. I just started my first Whole 30 and I'm only on Day 2 and it's so much harder than I expected. But I'm glad to find your post and realize that by the end of this week it will get better. 

I have been up and down with it but 100% compliant.  My body seems to run about 7 days behind the given 'timeline'.  Really listen to what your body is telling you - and if you get sugar cravings then look to your fruit consumption - I can only have blueberries without getting a sugar high so I don't eat fruit at the moment. Also, cravings can often be sated with fat - so have olives or something instead :) I have tried very hard not to give my brain the answer it wanted to 'needing' sugar - so no snacks between meals (but don't forget pre and post workout meals if you workout) It is well worth the effort, believe me!  Have a look at my log if you like (mistakenly titled Dawnski56's log!) and you will see more of my journey and how things have been dealt with :) Use the forums - particularly the troubleshooting one as somebody will reply pretty quickly if you are having problems :) I hope it goes really well for you :)

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