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Whole30 and sleep apnea

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Hey guys. Just wanted to chime in on this forum. I'm a 31 year old male. I've had OSA for the last 5 years. I'm on day 24 of my first Whole30. My cpap machine hasn't been effective for the past few years, and I don't have insurance to get it recalibrated... So it's been a struggle. I feel like I won't ever really get to feel the "tiger blood" phase and the "boundless energy" that I keep hearing about. When you feel physically exhausted all the time anyway, diet doesn't seem to really make any difference. I'm jealous of all the people who get to experience that phase. Anyone else dealing with sleep apnea?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Mosesport, I joined just so I could reply to you.  :-)

I have SOSA, and my initial diagnosis was about 30 years ago.  Hated the CPAP and ignored it until years later I was falling asleep every time I got behind the wheel of a car - every stop sign and trafic light.  I was no longer allowed to drive my kids, and even standing for meetings couldn't keep me awake (but I'd wake up when I started to fall!)

Now, I can say that I have slept with my CPAP every night for the past 20 years (except for one bad trip to Canada where the CPAP got left behind.  I had more than a hundred apneic events per hour, with some durations lasting up to two minutes and my oxygen saturation was dangerously low.  I don't believe my CPAP is really properly tuned for me either since they had to keep increasing pressure in titration study, and what they had gotten to when they ran out of time is the setting we got stuck with.


I'm on day 40ish of my latest W30, and if you can remember your first time waking up with a CPAP - when instead of clawing your way up from a black hole of sleep into wakefulness, it kinda feels like that now.  I bought a Phillips sunrise simulator to brighten my room before awakening me, and I am up and moving - This morning, getting meds, for myself and my wife, cooking breakfast, and doing laundry all in first hour since alarm and before being ready for work.  I don't need coffee to get moving - but will have some iced tea with my eggs, peppers and sweet potatoes.  I don't have any sort of a mid-afternoon fade/crash.  I won't have to worry about falling asleep behind the wheel driving home in an hour's worth of stop and go traffic.  And will have this much energy until around 9pm tonight - which is an hour before bed and when we cut out the blue light and fix some herbal tea with "Natural Calm" in it before bed.

I experienced this somewhat near the end of the first W30 a year ago - and much more so as I stayed away from sugar and didn't go too far off-road.  The memory of working through the day with plenty of get-up-and-go is what motivated this year's W30 since i crashed and burned earlier this year and was back to living on fast food and having the energy of a slug.  

I know what it's like to fight to stay awake and have lived through it.  I can tell you that this program helped me tremendously in energy and being able to stay awake.  I'm dreaming now again too - another sign of healthy sleep and something I lost when my apnea ruled my life.  I don't know if it's Tiger's Blood - I don't seem to be bursting with energy - but I have enough to do all I need to do and then relax (as opposed to crash) during the candle-lights and reading part of my evening with my wife.


It's been a while since you posted this - hope you finished well and strong and are starting to encounter the results.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi there. I know this in an older thread but I'm majorly struggling with OSA. No official diagnosis yet, as I'm still waiting for my sleep study. I live in an "underserved" area so seeing a specialist has taken months. 

I'm on day 18 of Whole30 and have been doing great except for getting the most sh-tty sleep of my life. I hope that the more weight I lose, the more my sleep will improve. It may not be until January that I'm sleeping with a CPAP. 

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Hi Nat

Do you fall asleep in the day at all times? I used to, and nearly killed myself and others dozens of times. Weight loss did not make much difference. Only thing that worked was going to the sleep clinic and getting a CPAP machine. Thats firsts nights sleep was incredible. Actually having dreams again was amazing.

Not had any problems sleeping so far, but am only on day 7, so another 23 days, 3 hours, 4 minutes and 32 seconds to go.

I miss beeeeeeer

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@Don Pablo thankfully I don't fall asleep behind the wheel. But there are definitely mornings where I have to blast cold air in my face on the way to work to stay alert. And once I'm at work, I could fall asleep if I closed my eyes and sat still longer than a couple minutes (like right now). I try to get up at least every hour so I don't get too comfortable.  

I cannot wait for my sleep study and then getting a CPAP. December 5th cannot come fast enough! I'm hoping and praying it will make a complete difference. I don't know how much longer I can go on being so worn out like this. 

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I had it real bad and took me 10 years to get diagnosed and fixed. Was like living in a parallel universe. Getting a CPAP will be the best Christmas present you will ever get.


You must bet getting near the end of your whole30. Day 9 for me and all good. Had a weigh in yesterday, which was good. Stuff  waiting 30 days!

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