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Today I finished my whole 30!


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Hey everyone! I'm excited to share that I finished my whole 30 today! My main goals with the whole 30 is to lose weight, but along the way I discovered its doing a whole lot more for me. I started at 326 pounds, today 30 days later I weighed in at 305 pounds!!! Wooo!! I feel great, my clothe are fitting better, I tightened my belt 3 notches, I'm sleeping better, overall everything Is better! I have decided not to go into the reintroduction phase because I feel like now I'm ready to do the whole 30 perfectly. The first time around was a little overwhelming and I had a couple of un-intentional slip ups like not noticing added sugar in certain products. So I'm going onward with the whole60, ill try and add some progress posts! Can't thank this program enough!

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