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Day 1 - 8/20/2016 - And I'm a guy!


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Day 8 - Something clicked today. While I ate good, I had few cravings. What I mean is that when I might see or remember something sweet I can't have now, I was quickly able to push it from my mind. I went out with friends for lunch and a movie and it wasn't difficult to consider their food and desserts something I couldn't have. I "mostly" didn't want it. I did more grilling, made homemade guacamole for the first time (it was actually great ... I normally don't like guacamole but because I was trying to eat a healthy avocado, this might be a game changer. I now have another "condiment" I can have with my meats. Then when dinner came, I still had a full feeling, but I went to make my dinner. After a few bites I asked myself what I was doing. I wasn't really hungry so I stopped before eating further. My new norm? Hmmm, we shall see!

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Day 9 - Today was a little more difficult than today as far as missing my fun foods. Part of the reason may be because I didn't eat breakfast besides coffee and almonds. Time was tight for getting to church (I mowed the lawn and worked out at the gym beforehand), my wife wanted to run an errand in the way home and it was 1:15 pm before I ate my food. And it didn't quite taste as good as yesterday but I made it though. I'm not gonna lie, today was tougher than yesterday. I felt tired and a little cranky. And friends invited us to the OKC Dodgers game where they had all you can eat seats ... seriously?! It wasn't the best food but I stayed compliant. I had hot dogs with mustard sans bun, a hamburger patty with lettuce and tomato and bottled water. The important thing is that I finished day nine! 


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Day 10 - Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good day. I think the biggest thing for me I miss is the sweets, yes, but also my pre and post-workout drinks that have been a part of my routine for a few years. I don't think they would be a big deal to add here, but I'm committed, and because they have an artificial sweetener, they're frowned upon in Whole30. I've been experimenting with how to adapt here. This morning I had two eggs over easy with salt/pepper and a coffee. It worked ok. Maybe a little protein is good for now. Another learning ... it's not difficult or time consuming to make a few eggs. I used to think differently! Finally dinner came and because I was spending the night out of town for work, I treated myself to Red Lobster. I tell ya, the clarified butter is a game changer, makes me feel like I'm cheating! I ate Alaskan King Crab legs, asparagus, and a baked potato with clarified butter and salt/pepper. Nights like this makes me think I can do this ... sure would like a slice of cheesecake and a rogue wave with it though!

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Day 11 - I made it though the day up until dinner and decided to call it quits. I'm really comfortable with it, and the only regret I have is letting others down that were encouraging me ... and that's the wrong reason to be doing this. Working out (weight lifting and kind of bodybuilding) was taking a hit and I could tell my mass was declining. That's my number one priority when it comes to fitness, I only need to get better at eating which this has helped me do. I have learned a few things along the way:
1. I can shop better for food. I actually felt like a grownup buying fresh produce and healthy foods.
2. I can cook. I need to grill more, make guacamole, creamy spinach among other things.
3. I can eat healthy when I'm on the road. I travel a lot for work that includes overnights and I see menus differently and know where the Whole Foods are located.
4. I can and will eat less dairy. 
5. I like very low-cal dressing and know how to make it homemade.
6. I need to eat more greens. 
7. I will remain in the habit of reading labels more carefully. It's amazing how many foods have sugar in them that I didn't know about.
8. Eating poorly and eating too much makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
9. I learned what clarified butter is. Why don't I only use that from now on?
10. I enjoy the challenge of trying something new.

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