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Day 18 Today!


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Things are going well. Energy levels staying pretty even throughout the day, bloating gone, aches and pains diminished, good mood.  My IBS stomach issues have totally cleared up. I'm hoping sleep will improve soon--I'm going through the waking up at two in the morning unable to fall back asleep thing.  I also have been going to bed around eight!  Eventually, I do go back to bed for an hour or so, so I am getting enough sleep, but it's broken. May have to give up the coffee.

Yesterday I went to yoga class in the morning, and did an at home session before bed.

I think it's time to try some of the recipes--my diet has been a bit boring--for instance, meal 3 last night was a plain burger, and raw veggies, and cantaloupe. Boring. I'm not much of a cook, though, so it may be challenging!

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