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Chillenb- Post 30


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I have been dragging my feet about a post W30 log, and also my reintroduction, but I think it would be important to keep track of things so I can refer back to it if I find a have a need. I completed my W30 on Friday (woohoo!), and was compliant on Saturday. I lost just shy of 5 lbs., didn’t feel a whole lot better that I can remember from pre-W30. As of today my clothes fit better, and I feel like I look better but I have to pull of my pre-photos off my now deceased phone to check.  I also have dropped my coffee down to a single cup a day, and drinking herbal and decaf tea when not drinking water.

My victories are that I am cooking again (which I love, minus the dishes), I am not snacking between meals, and I am eating a ton more veggies, which I also love.  I was sleeping better, but that has changed again and I’m getting up in the middle of the night. I also just started (kind of) exercising. I have had some health things clear up temporarily, but they have also resurfaced a bit, so I need to investigate that more.

On Sunday I was compliant food wise, and had a glass of wine with a friend. I didn’t even try her delicious looking cocktail just to err on the side of caution. I drank enough water through the day. I also snacked on carrots when I wasn’t hungry while visiting with friends, but turned down the chips. I woke up several times through the night. Sleep is a big deal for me, and I definitely notice the results when I miss it.

Monday I had a tiny bit of wine (home brewed fennel and something else!), and also cauliflower cooked with mayo and honey mustard. 1. Didn’t check and realize that the mayo had soybean oil (Hellmann’s), and didn’t know that the Honey mustard was going to be included (I have still been avoiding added sugar in things). I ate my serving of Cauliflower but avoided having extra.  I also ate more fish than I needed to (it was delicious), and had extra Brussel Sprouts.

I had trouble sleeping Monday night and last night. Up at 3/3:30 a.m. both mornings, but not as bad as Sunday night.

Yesterday I got really sick feeling after lunch, became really lethargic, and then kept alternating between hot and cold. It might be related to hormones, but that my best guess. I did some yoga at lunch. I was going to try to go to the gym after work, but didn’t feel like that was a good idea, even though by that point I was feeling better. I had a compliant lunch, and included olives for the first time as a fat. They are okay, I don’t love them. I have been compliant in my meals since all of those things. I know I need to do a proper reintroduction, but am really leaning towards the slow roll, but worried I am going to go overboard. I don’t really miss legumes, but I know that I enjoy the taste of them. I do miss dairy (or rather I don’t like not knowing if it will have an effect on me). I don’t really miss grains, or gluten.  I do kind of miss cookies, but not the feeling out of control once I start eating them. I will drag my feet most on that.  So let’s try to do a couple days of meal cap.


M1: Roasted Pork shoulder, Brussel Sprouts, Mushrooms, and clarified butter.  I ate some apple slices in the car on my way to work, for no other reason than I wanted them (slippery slope)

M2: Massaged Kale salad, with shredded beets, carrots, radishes, olives, and pork.  I also ate an orange.

M3: Pumpkin Curry soup with cauliflower and beef. There was some coconut milk added to that, but I probably could have added some fat. I also had a couple of hard boiled eggs, and an apple.  I ate a lot more fruit than usual yesterday.

I had black coffee, tea, and water throughout the day. Probably not enough water.


M1: Leftover kale salad with pork and olives.

Black coffee and herbal tea between Meal 1 and Meal 2

M2: Pumpkin soup with some added coconut oil for fat.  I also had a couple of hard boiled eggs for some extra protein.

M3: Likely will be some more soup.

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So maybe logs are not my thing.

I did add legumes to my diet on Saturday. I had some soy sauce on my eggs in the morning, and ate a whole bunch of crispy tofu with soy sauce for lunch (fun fact, crispy tofu is almost food without breaks), and didn’t add any to dinner. I figured eating an entire block (a small block sure, but a whole block), would be enough for results.  So far no real noticeable effects, I had some slight cramping, but nothing bad.  So I suppose I can count soy as an okay food for me. I would like to try the other types of legumes, but I haven’t been missing them really so I am going to put them off. I thought about adding some canned baked beans that I had, but I figure there is going to be a whole bunch of extra in them that I don’t need. I am doing really well not adding extra sugar. I did buy a bunch of apples, so I am eating more of those, but doing a better job at only eating them with meals, and eating 2 at most a day. I do find myself eating pretty much all of my food and having the apples at the end of my meal, but no really as dessert.

Next up will be introducing dairy tomorrow. I want to see how that affects me more than I care about gluten free grains. I figure I can give myself a bit more time before introducing anything else. I am planning to have some yogurt with breakfast tomorrow, and am planning some feta cheese with my beets for lunch and dinner.  Then Friday I have a lunch for work, so I may just try to pick the most compliant thing I can order, with the plan to go at least a week before reintroducing anything else.  The alternative would be to wait for Friday lunch and do dairy on that day.  That’s not a bad option.

I have been really well only have one cup of coffee, and drinking more water. I also have been doing much better (for the most part), eating within an hour of waking up. I have been doing terrible working out, but it’s a new week, so we will see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far I am going a bit out of order/slow roll method. I introduced dairy (yogurt and feta cheese) which went well. No noticeable changes. I am doing non-gluten grains today (about a week later), and so far so good. Had some oat bran with breakfast and will have corn with lunch. I am planning a stirfry for dinner tonight with rice.

I found some hard cider (that had the least freaky ingredients) to drink last night (again my introductions maybe are not the best timed but I keep thinking about the idea of having a glass of wine on day 31 and starting intros the next day so I don't fret about it too much). The most interesting thing about the hard cider was that I decided to take my time to really taste it, and it tasted quite gross. I did end up having a couple more sips, but ended up dumping the rest of the can.... I don't think I have ever done that before. I usually end up drinking the entire serving, finishing other cans at later points, and just try not buy it again. The other thing I noticed was that I had had this cider before and I had enjoyed it.....funny.

I did notice there is Cherry Wheat beer back which I loved, and also Vanilla Porter which was a favorite. Oh gluten reintros. I don’t really miss those parts of my diet quite yet. I have been craving cookies and sweets. I have been having apples (mostly with meals), but have not caved quite yet for those others. I have a bag of Halloween candy on my fridge that my neighbor brought over that I don’t typically even think about eating. That has been by far my greatest NSV. 

I have been really mindful of not buying alcohol for my house yet. I am going to get some wine I think because I am less likely to open a bottle of wine every night versus a can of beer/cider. I am going to start with two bottles I think and decide if I can have more in my house. Or possibly buy a mixer pack of drinks and try that, I haven’t decided.

The one downside for reintros today is that I am fighting a cold, and probably should wait until I feel better to give it a shot. We are doing a Thanksgiving potluck at work on Tuesday and I want to get a better sense of yays and nays.  I might just go for it on Tuesday and suffer the consequences, and then wait a week or two for Thanksgiving and then try specific foods to gauge reactions (e.g. rice, oats, cheese again, milk, the things that I have missed.

I also really want to make a concerted effort to buy more sustainably raised meat. I have been eating the fat with my conventional meat (not recommended I know).  I recently  ordered some local pork, beef, and chicken for a reasonable price so I am looking forward to that.  

I keep going back and forth with what I want to eat moving forward. I do think I will likely aim to keep mostly paleo with lots of veggies and a (mostly) compliant household. I have eaten some added sugar to things (within moderation), which is not my favorite, but not specific sweet things (minus kombucha from time to time, or fresh fruit). Anywho…thanks for reading my rant.


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