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It starts today, 10-15-2012


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Hello fellow W30ers!!!

My name is Jen. I am 30 years old, 5'2", and weigh approx 133lbs. I can remember being on this roller coaster of a ride called "dieting" longer than I can remember. Over the years I have struggled with body image issues, bulimia, and compulsive overeating. Both of my parents are diabetics and if I'm not careful, I see that I can easily follow in their footsteps if I don't change NOW. I have been on every diet known to man--Atkins, low fat, vegetarian, to name a few--alll of which have failed, each one distorting my health and my view of myself.

Today I start the whole30 with hope. A hope to restore some balance in my body, both physically (inside and out) and mentally, and a healthier outlook to my relationship with food.

So here's to the whole30...

It starts today.

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Hi Jen, I know exactly what that is like. Have struggled with bulimia for the past 20 years and i'm hoping for similar results from the Whole 30. Diets are horrible and especially damaging to people like us who have such distorted body image and relationships with food. I'm looking for a life change!

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Poor body image can be such a evil little thing. I had very poor body image for about 3 years after my second daughter was born. I carried an extra 10-15 pounds, I didn't want to buy a whole new wardrobe so I would be found most of the time in sweats and a t-shirt. Due to crossfit and cleaning up my diet the past 1.5 years I have been able to lose 10lbs, but I am still not completely happy with my appearance. I try to throw those thoughts away and concentrate on my health and obviously that is what I want to get across to my two young daughters. It is about being healthy and active, not a certain size. (But we sometimes forget that)

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Jen, how is your whole 30 going? What do you like about it so far? In what areas are you struggling? I am on day 29 of my first Whole 30. I struggled with eating a big breakfast with other people watching me, but that has gotten better. When I work out in the morning, I especially need a big breakfast or I will be hungry way before lunch! When I traveled, I ate some nuts and raisins, and I don't usually do that at home. It beats getting something completely off protocol from a gas station or a restaurant, though. :)

Are you guys putting away the scale?

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