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Struggling here!


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I am at day 20 and feel sooooo hungry. Pizza smells so good in my office!  It hasn't been that hard and I have managed, but it seems to be getting harder and harder to stay away from certain foods!  I went home at lunch and ate whole 30 meatloaf and mashed potato's and broccoli. But lets face it...that isn't pizza!   Really struggling here! 

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@Mchadwick  No... this... protein and fat will give you that full feeling that you are longing for... not the pizza.  I made a meatza with ground beef crust and layered it with every veggie and meat in my fridge...Believe it or not I had non Whole 30 peeps dying for it... Why?  because their body longs for the nutrients we are getting and we want the junk because of the addictive ingredients that have a hold on us!   It took me a Whole 45 to gain the control I needed and I have lived this way 80-85% whole 30 and 15-20% paleo!  My health has been amazing, sleepy wonderful, strength and endurance shocking but for some reason I had to start this over on Nov. 1!  Why?  because I was getting out of control and I need the comfort and security of my limits of Whole 30.  They were restrictions when I first started but now they are my go to security for my health and wellbeing.  I hope you are enjoying the benefits but I could not see or feel them until I introduced the bad foods back into my diet!  I felt and knew the difference and that is when my longing to feel good and mental clarity became my want.  Stick with it and feel the strength it will give you to accomplish 30 days! :) 

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