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Finally ready!


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Hi all!
I've read through the program and am halfway through "It Starts with Food". I'm finally ready mentally and with the proper food supply. I've started today and am looking forward to feeling better. I've struggled with binging since I can remember and suffer with anxiety which causes everyday life to feel so overwhelming at times. Becoming aware of what I am putting in my body and the effect the food choices I make have on my body will be beneficial to say the least. I'm not naive enough to think that it won't be difficult for me, but I choose to focus on the positive. Here's to a successful Day 1!  

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Hey Starship,

I need to commit to another 30 days. I've been eating so much junk recently that I have pain in most of my major joints and no willpower what-so-ever when it comes to sugar.

I started off okay today, ate compliant M1 and M2 and was actually congratulating myself, then went out for a couple of hours and somehow ended up at a drive-thru Starbucks. 

So, I am officially committing myself to a W30 starting tomorrow. Looking to sharing this journey with you.


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I'll join you guys, as well. This will be my third reset, and I really need it! I've started a couple of times in the past two weeks and keep lapsing, much to my chagrin. I thought joining the forum finally might give me the motivation I need to stick with it...My goal is to feel healthy, energetic and light going into the holidays.

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Let's do this together! Let me know how you all are doing today. Yesterday went okay for me, although I did use dried fruit at the end of the day to satisfy my sugar dragon. I need to make sure to eat more for dinner tonight in order to feel full. I made some butternut squash with coconut oil and sprinkled it with cayenne pepper and a little salt; it was delicious and satisfied my spicy craving.

I look forward to seeing how the day is going for the both of you.

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This is the morning of day 1 for me, and the morning is the hardest part, because my Achilles heel is coffee...which I drink with milk...with chocolate on the side. It's a bad breakfast habit and breaking it is my main goal of this Whole30. I want to see how it is really affecting me and what role those foods can play in my diet in less of an addictive way.

I wanted to say, after re-reading your intro comment, Starship, that the biggest change I've experienced through eating this way--and the reason I've mostly stuck with a W30 style of eating since my first one two years ago--is a huge improvement in mental health and a reduction in anxiety. I have always struggled with anxiety and changing my diet has helped more than anything else that I've tried to quiet it down. I hope that you have the same experience!

That butternut squash sounds delicious!! Thank you for an excellent dinner idea. :)

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It's evening here in the UK  so getting towards the end of day 1 and so far so good. I have 2 bags of toffees in my kitchen which I bought for work colleagues last week and haven't taken in yet. They've been tempting me all day but I've not given in. Tonight's meal was roast belly pork, potatoes mashed with ghee and roasted winter squash, Very filling ! I finished off with mango kombucha to satisfy my craving for something fruity and slightly sweet but know I should try to crack this habit.

I hear you on the coffee issue Finnchilla. I gave up caffeine on my first W30 because I couldn't stand tea or coffee without  milk, but in recent weeks I've become addicted to my twice daily flavored lattes.  Giving up is going to be tough!!

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Jen, your dinner sounds fantastic! Good job on resisting the toffees and opting for kombucha. Day one done; good for you!

Finnchilla, I'm really hoping the diet change does improve my anxiety. I'm glad Whole30 has helped you. I couldn't live without coffee! I've quit so many times, but I really enjoy it, so I'm keeping it for now. 

I tried to get to the store today, but didn't make it, so today's lunch was broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and ground beef. Strange combo, but it did the job. So far, it's been a pretty good day. 

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Day 2 done and feeling okay. Had a great brunch of eggs, bacon, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini and Kale then went for a walk. Snacked on cold belly pork and roasted squash this afternoon then made my favorite W30 recipe, Pina Colada Chicken. I'll take left overs for work lunches this coming week. Not having food prepped for lunches has been my downfall many times in the past.  

How is everyone else doing?

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Day 3 almost done. I really missed my lattes today and was also craving something sweet. I went to a cafe with a client (her choice) and had to make do with a bottle of water :( 

Snacked on some cold pulled pork when I got home and weirdly, the cravings passed. Had a bit of a headache and was tireder than usual but otherwise, not too bad.

I hope you all are okay??


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Hi Jen! Sorry I missed checking in yesterday. It was a busy day and I started writing, but didn't finish. I'm glad you've almost made it through day 3!! You are doing an amazing job and should be proud of yourself for choosing to hold off on your lattes for today. 

As for me, yesterday was a success. I made it to the grocery store and picked up a mixture of veggies. I had a tasty spinach salad last night and will probably have a salad again tonight. I'm also tired today. I feel drained and weak; it's crazy how sugar can do that to you. I was able to get a short exercise video in this morning with the hopes that it would boost my mood and give me more energy. 

I'll check in with you tomorrow. Have a nice evening!

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2 hours ago, Starship said:

Today was a great day; I'm feeling more entergetic and more full. I hope you two are doing well also!

So great to be feeling NSV's so soon, good for motivation. I'm feeling less bloated. I was awake before my alarm this morning but can't tell if it is more energy or work stress:unsure:

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Ahhh work stress can cause sleep issues galore. I'm glad you're feeling less bloated.

I think I spoke too soon about having lots of energy, I was exhausted all day yesterday. I was close to throwing in the towel and using sugar as a pick-me-up. I'm hoping today brings more energy. Good luck with your work stress! 

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I hope today's been better for you. Well done for not giving in. Week one up tomorrow, we can do this!! 

Today's been tough for me, had a really bad headache all day and might be coming down with the office cold. Ate well today though thanks to a couple of hours spent cooking last night. Prep is everything.


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Day 7 done:) Had an horrendous day at work (argued with the boss:angry:) so don't know how I resisted the temptation to dive into a tub of chocolate flavored sugar and/or large glass of wine but here I am safe and compliant. 

Need to plan next week's meals for weekend prep now.

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1/3 of the way now and still going strong food wise. The winter blues have kicked in so not feeling so great emotionally and I'm not exactly bouncing out of bed in the mornings either but it's not as bad as some previous years. I'm finding comfort in hot bowlfuls of delicious food and trying to get in plenty of root veg as I've read on this forum that carb's can help.

Hope you're doing okay. ?.

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I'm with you regarding the winter blues! What a good idea about the root vegetables. I've been enjoying high carb sweet potatoes. I'm still on track; I just had a rough day. I'm feel more calm as far as my anxiety goes and I'm not missing my usual snacking before bedtime. Both of those items are enough to keep me going. I hope your work week is going smoothly!

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Glad you're still on track. Giving up on snacking is a huge NSV in my opinion as it's a hard habit to break, so good job! I'm not surprised that you are feeling calmer on the W30, having sugar flowing around our veins just can't be of any benefit at all. I was working from a different office yesterday and sitting within three feet of an open bag of donuts. I swear I could smell them as though they were right under my nose. I seriously felt like I was inhaling sugar.  There was definitely both pleasure and pain involved. I wonder if I gained weight through the experience:P

During my first W30 I could smell sugar when I walked into the supermarket: I wonder if others experience something similar?

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