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LauraW30's January 2016 Log


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I'm getting ready to start round 2 of W30 tomorrow. I did one round 2 years ago and it was a truly transformative experience. Unfortunately, I have not been consistent and although I have tried several times to do another round, I have failed miserably. I gained back all of the weight and some of the pesky health issues that resolved during the first round are back. I've decided that this round I will post here daily to keep track of my progress. I'm also excited that my husband will be joining me for his first round of W30. We both have been eating and drinking way too much over the holiday season and I'm glad that we will be hitting the reset button together starting tomorrow.


Pre-Whole30 Stats:

Female, 37 years old, 147 pounds, 5'2", and current BMI is 26.9. I have a history of insulin resistance/PCOS and I can tell that some of my symptoms are acting up (dark armpits, some chin acne, carrying the bulk of my weight in my midsection). I also take a low dose of sertraline daily to help manage my anxiety and panic disorder. I would like to wean off of this if possible over the course of the next 30 days. I have also been drinking  wine at night pretty frequently lately as a way to unwind from the day. I'd like to replace this with some healthier options. Additionally, I have not been exercising very consistently during the past 3 months. I would like to get back to a daily routine. 


W30 Prep:

My house is full of leftovers from holiday parties, almost all of it noncompliant. I hate to throw it away because it seems so wasteful, but I need to clear out space in my fridge for groceries and I don't want any temptations around. The bottles of wine need to be stashed in storage somewhere too. I got the new W30 cookbook last month and also Food Freedom, Forever. I plan on reading that from cover to cover starting tonight. I also need to go grocery shopping and meal plan, as I will be doing the bulk of the cooking for my family. I got an InstaPot for Christmas that I am looking forward to trying out. 


And she's off....


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