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Bratqueen's 3rd Whole 30


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So this is my third go-round with the Whole 30.  I've had really good success with the last two, although I've petered out on the daily forum logging.  And true to form, I'm a couple of days late starting, so here goes.


I got everything in line last weekend for my first week, even though, because of the holiday weekend, I knew I wasn't going to be official until Tuesday. Feb. 21st.


Or so I thought.


I was compliant for breakfast and work, and when I went out to a planned family dinner that night, I had sweet potato fries with my bunless burger.  So no worries, it was still a day of eating well, and therefore Day One would be Wed. Feb. 22nd.  I'm going to log as much as I can remember.


Wed. 02/22 - Day 1

Woke up with the mother of all headaches.  Which I was expecting to hit, though it made me no more happy to have it.

The eating was compliant, and I drank an extra cup of black coffee, and increased my water intake to help make up for the head.

All I wanted to do was sleep.  Mood was pretty good.

Breakfast - 3 scrambled eggs, 2 sliced roma tomatoes, an apple, and half an avocado

Lunch - Leftover Butter Chicken (Homemade, Whole-30 compliant) and a jar of salad with Tessamae's.

Dinner - Stir-Fry with beef, and the other half of the avocado.

Roasted off a pan of veggies for tomorrow (potatoes, carrots, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, and parsnips)


Thurs 02/23 - Day 2

Hello again, headache.

Again, an extra cup of coffee, and extra water helped keep it at bay.  So far, I've managed not to take any Advil.

Still dragging ass.  But pretty zen.

Breakfast - 3 scrambled eggs, 2 sliced roma tomatoes, an apple, and half an avocado.

Lunch - 1 can of Trader Joe's albacore in water mashed with an avocado, and a jar of salad with Tessamae's.

Dinner - Ground Lamb sauteed with the roasted veggies from last night, an apple, and sliced tomatoes.  (I didn't add any fat, because there was a hearty amount in what I ate between the lamb, and the veggies having been roasted in duck fat....and I was full.)


Friday 02/24 - Day 3

The headache was less, and I woke up late, so I basically had a snack for breakfast, running out the door with an apple, and adding coconut milk to my coffee.  Not ideal, but it wasn't nothing.

Again, tired.  But a bit less, I also noticed that I was mentally sharper at work, and since the head was less achy, I only had the one coffee, and drank herbal tea (plain) for the remainder of the day.

Lunch - Leftover lamb and roasted veggies (dropped and shattered the jar of salad on the breakroom floor...but I stayed satisfied through dinner.)

Dinner - Left over Lamb and roasted veggies, an avocado, and an apple.

Went out to the casino after dinner with My mom, and a couple of strange things happened.  First off, I went to my favorite bar, and ordered a ginger ale.  Pure habit.  Even though, I'd had a club soda and lime earlier.  Went and sat down with Mom, put my mouth on the straw, and than thank GOD, realized what I was about to do.  I gave Mom the soda, and was a bit rattled by what I'd almost done, before settling back down.  And then after that, no matter what slot I sat at, if someone near me was drinking Coke, I could smell it.  I mean I know what smells like...but damn, it was distracting me.  Bizarre.


Saturday, 02/25 - Day 4

No more headache upon waking...but achy body.

Oh well, it'll even out eventually.

Went shopping today, to get groceries for food prep tomorrow.

Breakfast - The last of the leftover lamb/roasted veggie mix, and an apple, coconut milk in my coffee.

Lunch - Jar of salad, and 3 scrambled eggs.

Dinner - 4-egg frittata with the stir-fry veggie's I'd cut up, with salsa verde and avocado.


Sunday, February 26 - Day 5

Less aching all the way around, but I cannot get enough sleep.  As in, woke up at 11am, which I rarely do...and then napped later..so I had to shift meals a bit later.

Breakfast - Petite steak, 2 duck eggs, the last of the stir-fry veggies, and an apple.

Lunch - Can of albacore mashed with an avocado, sliced tomatoes.

Dinner - Pork meatballs, using homemade compliant potato-leek soup as a gravy, (It came out a bit too thick for 'soup,' but tasted delicious.) and a jar of salad.

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Monday, 02/28 - Day 6

Whoo-hoo!  Finally a morning waking up where I didn't feel completely foggy and drugged.  It was a long day, but I didn't feel any hunger pangs, either.


Breakfast:  I was running late, so I had to go portable.  Can of Albacore, an apple, a carrot, and coffee with Coconut Milk.

Lunch:  Leftover pork meatballs, using homemade compliant potato-leek soup as a gravy, and a jar of salad with Tessamae's.

Dinner:  2 compliant chicken italian sausages sauteed with butternut squash zig-zags from Trader Joe's...which are "for kids," but I love them, because they cook faster than square hunks of squash...sauerkraut, and a bowl of cut-up tomato/avocado. (3 roma tomatoes and 1 avocado.)

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Tuesday, 02/28 - Day 7

Last day of the month, which is the bane of my work existence.  BUSY day, but I managed to eat on schedule for breakfast and lunch.  Also, at my office, last day of the month, the company buys everyone lunch, and we pick where we get food from.  This time, there had been a local fast food joint picked, so I'd let everyone know that I'd be bringing my own lunch, and that I wouldn't be ordering this time.

-As an aside, my work people have been fantastic about this...half of them are longtime friends, and when I explained what I was doing, the offers of treats directly to me stopped, the asking if I wanted to jump into lunch orders stopped...and a couple even asked for the rules, so that they could understand what I was doing.  It's still up to me, to not eat what gets left in the kitchen for everyone to munch on, but it's now all kept in there, and out of my line of sight when I'm working.  And when I go into the kitchen, it's with a purpose, either to grab my own lunch, or water to drink, or for tea.

It was funny though...after lunch, I was the only one who wasn't dragging, and feeling comatose/like complete crap.

Dinner was another matter.  I came across my mom with a stalled truck on the side of the road on my way home, so I sat with her for 2.5 hours waiting for a tow truck (because she physically had to be present with her AAA card) because she's disabled, and couldn't wait that long in the cold, and I wasn't going to leave her in the dark with no hazard lights.

So my the time I got home, and ate it had been 8 hours since I had last eaten.  Hangry wasn't the word.  Luckily, I had a quick dinner I could prepare, and forced myself to stick to that, even though I wanted to EAT ALL THE THINGS...which, for me, is a major NSV.  After that, I just called the day a wash, treated myself to a hot bath, because I had more than earned it, and crawled into bed.  Which is why I didn't post last night.


Breakfast:  I was running late, so I had to go portable.  (Can you tell this is a running theme with me in the mornings?) Can of Albacore, an apple, a carrot, and coffee with Coconut Milk.

Lunch:  Leftover pork meatballs, using homemade compliant potato-leek soup as a gravy, and a jar of salad with Tessamae's.

Dinner:  2 compliant chicken italian sausages sauteed with butternut squash and a bowl of cut-up tomato/avocado. (3 roma tomatoes and 1 avocado.)

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Wednesday, 03/01 - Day 8

Today was okay.  My mood was a bit 'eh' but I'm chalking it up to the weirdness of the night before, because it didn't tank, I was just quiet.  When it's food related, I usually completely tank.  Less achy today, which was great.


Breakfast: Can of Albacore, an apple, a carrot, and coffee with Coconut Milk.

Lunch:  Leftover pork meatballs, using homemade compliant potato-leek soup as a gravy, and a jar of salad with Tessamae's.

Snack, because I ran late from work, and then still had to cook for dinner tonight - A carrot, and a couple pieces of bacon.  (Was cooking bacon for dinner recipe, so I grabbed two, and remembered to put it with a vegetable. NSV for me to remember that.)

Dinner:  Champagne Chicken (made with compliant sparkling white grape juice from Trader Joe's) over some baby potatoes and a bowl of cut up tomato. (3 roma tomatoes.)  I didn't add extra fat with this, because the sauce has coconut milk and bacon fat in it, so I considered that my fat.

https://thedomesticman.com/2016/06/07/chicken-in-champagne-sauce/ - Made with compliant bacon, compliant white grape juice, and coconut milk in place of the heavy cream...it was missing the bite of the champagne, I think next time I may swap 1/4 of the juice out for apple cider vinegar to see if I can get it back. Or even glug a bit in when I heat it up tomorrow night.


Also, the salad jars that I have with lunch...I should probably clarify what those are.

I am not the biggest lettuce fan in the world, so there's none in there.  On the weekend, I take quart mason Jars, and cut up veggies in there, and add a good handful of chopped kale salad (kale, broccoli cut for slaw, radicchio) on top, the jars run about 2/3 to 3/4 full usually.  Some weeks I get ahead of myself and stuff them.  This week's jars have red peppers, carrots, radishes, the kale mix, and green onions.

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Thursday, 03/02 - Day 9

Today was pretty good...I felt good, work was insanely busy, with a lot of getting pushed into the proverbial corner, but my temper didn't get the better of me.  Which is a NSV.  My brain did a good job of being one step ahead and did a lot of mental scrambling.

Which is how I know this works for me, when I can start doing that again.

Today was a co-worker's birthday, and with it, the traditional sweet treats.  I looked at the frosting on the cupcakes, and while it was pretty, it made my stomach roll.  No desire to eat it.  Even though I was hungry for lunch when I heated it up 10 minutes later.  Another tell for me that this is working, and sugar cravings are lessening.


Breakfast: Can of Albacore, an apple, a carrot, and coffee with Coconut Milk.

Lunch:  Leftover pork meatballs, using homemade compliant potato-leek soup as a gravy, and a jar of salad with Tessamae's. (Last day of the meatballs)

Dinner:  Champagne Chicken (2 thighs) over sauteed cauliflower rice (most of a bowlful...it was good, and I was hungry) and a bowl of cut up tomato. (3 roma tomatoes.)  I didn't add extra fat with this, because the sauce has coconut milk and bacon fat in it, so I considered that my fat.

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Was a busy weekend, so I'm playing catch-up again here.  :)


Friday, 03/03 - Day 10

Today started of really hard, and it was my own fault.  The Dr. asked that I continue to take a multivitamin throughout doing this...and I complied at first, just because.  After today, I'm seriously re-thinking that.  I have to take a vitamin with food...it seriously bothers me on an empty stomach, always has.  Well, today, I wasn't thinking as I was running around getting ready, and downed it with water, rather than the coffee/coconut milk....annnnnd....20 minutes later, up it came.

As a result, I didn't eat any breakfast.

Went to work, felt better, and I was fine by lunch, so I dashed to whole foods.  Nothing bothered my stomach for the rest of the day, and my meals were regular.

Lunch - Jicama with Guacamole, fresh snap peas and baby carrots, and Applegate organics roast beef.

Dinner - Went out with my parents, and had a spinach chicken avocado salad (had the restaurant 2x the avocado and tomatoes, and take off the feta, cranberries, and onions.)  No dressing, which was the purpose of doubling the tomatoes, and it wound up having a whole avocado, and a large portion of grilled (dry, at my request) chicken breast, diced tomatoes, sunflower seeds.  It was very good.

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Saturday, 03/04 - Day 11

Tired as hell today....and today was 'kill all the things' day for me....though it may have been that I spent half the day at a continuing education conference.

It was over at 12:45, so I ate a bigger than normal breakfast, and then ate when I got home, which worked out well.  Went out for a friend's birthday, and that went well, too.  Just my level of grouchy was off the charts from the moment I woke up, was off the charts for me.


Breakfast - Handful of baby potatoes, 2 duck eggs, and coffee with Coconut milk.

Lunch - Can of albacore, peas and carrots, and manzanilla (sp?) olives

Dinner - Massive bowl of plain steamed shrimp with broccoli/carrots/snap peas at the Asian restaurant we ate at for my friend's birthday dinner.  I had no fat for this meal, but I didn't get hungry afterwards, so I think the volume of it saved me.  I also had extra coconut milk this morning, so it all evened out, I think.

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Sunday 03/05 - Day 12

The grouchy is less today...YAY!

Though, I slept on and off all day, between shopping, and cooking, and prep for this week.  Frequent napping.


Today, I definitely stayed compliant, but I really only had one meal.  I did have a few snacks through the day, and I made sure that they had 2 of the 3 categories in there, like melon and olives at the end of the day, an egg, and some raw veggies while I was cutting up the salad jars, olives and some grapes while I was shopping.


The one meal I had was around 3pm, which was:

2 duck eggs over easy

Shredded potato and cabbage patties


Smoked salmon bacon from Trader Joe's 


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Monday 03/06 - Day 13

Doing well today...got lots of sleep, and in a great mood.


Breakfast - 2 Duck eggs, shredded potato and cabbage patties, coffee with coconut milk.

Lunch - Salad Jar with Tessamae's, albacore with Primal Chipotle-lime mayo

Dinner - TJ Chicken garlic-herb sausages sautéed with butternut squash, and a large Caesar salad made with TJ Cruciferous Crunch instead of lettuce, and 3 roma tomatoes with Tessamae's Caesar dressing.

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Tuesday, 03/07 - Day 14

Woke up today, after plenty of sleep, with a massive crick in my neck.  It hurt so badly that when I moved my head to the left, it nauseated me.

Needless to say, I was in no mood for breakfast, which meant I didn't get any coffee, which, of course, made my morning all the better.

I took a sweet potato to work with me, just in case I was able to eat before lunch, and worked on heat/ice for the crick until I got it back into barely manageable territory.

I was able to eat the potato mid-morning, moved lunch a couple of hours later, and moved on from there accordingly.


Mid-morning snack - Sweet Potato with Primal Chipotle-lime mayo

Lunch - Salad Jar with Tessemae's, and albacore with Chipotle-lime Mayo

Dinner - Ground lamb sautéed with the last of the squash and 1/3 bag of cruciferous crunch (Ate half, saved the other for breakfast tomorrow) & a bowl with diced tomatoes (3) and avocado (1 whole)

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Wed. 03/08 - Day 15

The neck is SO very much better, no nausea, and I've got more range of movement.  Kinda feeling like I wanna marry the hot/cold pack at the moment.  :) 

Pretty normal day, all in all.  Nothing extraordinary to report.


Breakfast:  Leftover lamb/squash/CC mixture from last night, and half a pear, also coffee with Coconut milk.

Lunch - Albacore with Avocado mixed in, and a salad jar with Tessemae's.

Dinner - 4 strips of compliant bacon, a cubed potato sautéed in the fat from the bacon with cumin and chili powder, 2 duck eggs, and a HUGE (well over half the plate) pile of roasted asparagus.  Which is one of my favorite things in the world to eat with runny yolks.

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Thurs 03/09 - Sunday 03/12 - Days 16-19

Busier than holy hell, I didn't keep track much, it was a lot of grabbing what I could, when I could.

I stayed compliant, feeling good, I'm noticing I'm able to walk for longer without hurting, and when I'm hurting at the end of the day, I'm waking up able to move, which is great progress!

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Welp, the daily forum logging is going to heck in a handbasket, as anyone can see.

Things are actually going along nicely, though.  Energy's very slowly increasing, food is compliant, aches and pains are staying under control.


It's Day 22, which, if I'm remembering right, is right about in the cruise control period, so business as usual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 31 today, and I'm officially (and successfully) done with this Whole 30.  As it's my third one, I've already done two re-introduction rounds, so I have a handle on what does and doesn't work for me.


I'll be starting a new thread on the post Whole30 log, and go into this in more detail.  :)







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