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Day 5 - Hungry!


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Captain's Log, Day 5...June 2, 2017


This is the first day I've been hungry between meals.

Probably should have eaten more for breakfast besides 1 1/2 mini quiches and a cup of coffee.  I had the shakes while out shopping with my daughter and got home to scarf down a scoop of tuna and guac on bed of lettuce & arugula + a nectarine. 

Got a LOT of shopping done to prepare for dinner tomorrow night -- making the citrus halibut, gazpacho, thai cucumber cups, roasted root veggies with curry sauce, and the most amazing artichokes I've seen in a while.

 But I came home hungry again.  :/  So I made a snack of 2 celery stalks with almond butter and coconut flakes.    Rather than dwell on my tummy, I'm writing this post. 

Tomorrow I will go rowing again and treat myself to a pedicure.

Looking forward to chicken for dinner!!!  It's 4:13 pm so it'll be fairly soon.  Have to figure out what veggies to make.  Chicken is done!

I'll make sweet potato spears and broccoli.

Definitely noticing a difference in my taste buds!  I scrambled eggs with the same marinara sauce I used on day 1.  It was so sweet that I double checked the ingredients to be sure there wasn't sugar in the ingredient list!!  (there wasn't) So funny!

I'm on a rollllllll!


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