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My log Whole30 take2


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Day 1 meal 1:

3 scrambled eggs with 1/4 an avocado and 1 slice melon. Also added about half a thumb of coconut oil to my coffee this morning because my avocado was brown and I didn't get the fat I needed. Really need to add more veggies but lacking ideas.

Meal 2:

Ground beef and sweet potato stuffed bell peppers with a full head of broccoli and ghee. 

Meal 3: TBD

I should try to eat a meal 3, especially a full template meal but honestly I doubt I can stomach it. Day one is supposed to be easy but mine has been anything but. I have had a roaring headache all day, have taken 2 naps and I feel nauseous. The thought of putting anything else in my body before tomorrow is borderline painful. I feel like I am sweating fat from the extra oils and  unfortunately I know a piece of bread would fix it. I have some serious carbohydrate issues. Thinking about cooking up a potato and eating it to settle myself but that seems in direct opposition to the spirit of the program. Time for tea and hopefully bed, maybe tomorrow will be better. 

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Day 2 completed!

I know its a little early to celebrate but I made it one more day and I was not miserable. No headache, no hunger, just a bit of lethargy. Obviously not on template just yet but I am making progress, 2 out of 3 isn't too bad for now. I am starting to think avocados and canned green beans may be my keys to success. Also coconut oil may have to be more limited. May need to cook some starchy sides, the fiance is feeling the same carb withdraws as I am but is not on board with the program, maybe cooking a few non gluten grains to fill him up will prevent the midnight McDonald's run he took.  I would be upset if this program made his diet worse than before. 

Meal 1: 2 eggs with half an avocado and a cup of black coffee 

Meal 2: ground beef and sweet potato hash with half an avocado and a whole can of green beans

Meal 3: .5 sweet potato mash with ghee, 2 chicken thighs and a full head of broccoli

Snacks: lemon lara bar, 2 oz plain kombucha


Goals for tomorrow include adding an additional egg, eliminating the larabar and adding more veggies to meal 1. 

Question: Does the avocado count towards veggies at all or just fat?


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Well I made it through day 3. Fed the sugar dragon and strayed even further from template but I made it. Prepped for tomorrow though so hopefully I do better. During the car ride home from work I got shaky and light headed, the second I got back I ate half a melon in about fifteen minutes. I should have brought more food especially carbs. Additionally, this weekend is going to be a major challenge. The college roommates are all coming and crashing at my house, so this means I will have to deal with 4 drunk 20-something year old men sober and hungry. 

Meal 1: 3 eggs with avocado and diced bell peppers

Meal 2: 1/4 cup of ground beef and sweet potato mix, 1 can green beans and 1 can olives

Meal 3: 1/2 lb beef burger with half an avocado, a tbsp mayo, 1/2 a tomato, lettuce, sauteed mushrooms and sparking wwater

Snacks: I ate half a cantaloupe and 2 oz kombucha. I ATE HALF A MELON, what is wrong with me today.


My goals for tomorrow include not eating half a melon and literally just making it through. 

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Day 4 done. Had an allergy attack today so although I was compliant I did not eat this evening. At least not a full meal, found some leftovers after and tried to down those. Still proud, and I got the chance to prep a breakfast casserole with tons of veggies in it so hopefully I can get some sleep tomorrow. The hives have almost stopped, minimal for the past three  days but today they were out in full force and the breathing thing has been getting worse, used my inhaler three times today. Time to call the big guns, Dr. appt. asap

Meal 1: 3 eggs with avocado and bell peppers

Meal 2: 1/2 lb burger patty with a can of green beans and 1 sweet potato mashed with ghee

Meal 3: 1 pear and 1 oz chicken, all I could get down, meal 3 will be way better tomorrow. 

snacks: ate some prosciutto and 1 glass coffee, still debating some kombucha before bed


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If you read any of my past posts you would think I am super negative, and honestly you would be right. This week has kicked my butt, I never knew how strong a hold the SAD diet had on me. Despite that I feel like shouting from the rooftops right now, I love this program! I fail every day and learn something new every minute. I have found so many foods with a major psychological hold on me and I can't wait to leave them in the dust even if I find I have no major allergies and leave Paleo behind ( doubtful). I am so stuck in my routines, breakfast- only breakfast foods+ coffee, bored eat a snack, watching a movie- something salty, stressed- a drink, the list doesn't end! I know it may seem strange but I know this isn't normal, nothing other than habit is telling me to do this- even on whole30 I am following these habits which are adding nothing to my life. My goal is no more mindless consumption- the only thing to enter my body without real analysis is water. And I will fail this to, I can not wait.

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Today went well! I just finished the 5th day of whole 30! Physically withdraws are not bad, mentally i am struggling but thats kind of to be expected. 

Meal 1: breakfast casserole with avocado

Meal 2: 1 grilled chicken strip with sweet potatoes and ghee and a head of broccoli

Meal 3: 1 potato with paleo tikki masala. 

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I am not hungry, not craving anything, do not feel the need to ingest anything. This is a new feeling during the program, I've been craving food constantly.

I feel ready to take on the weekend, tonight I am prepping yummy meals for myself to eat while the boys at gorging themselves on pizza. Last night's dinner was chaotic, took twice as long as any meal I've made recently and used new spices and ingredients ( first time coconut milk user here). It tasted amazing, this may be some of the magic, expanding our palette and falling back in love with cooking. If every meal was as tasty as yesterday's I would never feel like I was missing out. Maybe I can just do with these new foods what pasta used to do, crowd the other stuff out. Tonight I will try roasting radishes, another new food.

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Yesterday went well, will update food later. Visited I hop and got to watch the boys eat. I scanned the menu, only compliant foods are avocado slices, fruit which is questionable and maybe a poached egg with nothing to finish it and Frank's red hot. Glad I had a small breakfast before I came. Was able to enjoy my coffee and conversation. Still the pancakes were calling me. Im dying having the college friends over, all they do is eat stuff I won't and drink.

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I am in shock. Yesterday was the best day of my whole thirty so far. Friday night I meal prepped so I wouldn't have to cook when we had guests over and I loved every meal. The boys came over, drank, ate pizza, popcorn chicken, and Ihop and I went with them after eating my way more satisfying meal. I even went to a barcade and ate and drank nothing but water. Guess I don't need a drink to have fun.

Meal 1- half an avocado and breakfast casserole

Meal 2- leftover tikki masala with roasted carrots, broccoli, brussel sprouts and maybe half a roasted potato. 

Meal 3- creamy tomato soup with chicken- my new favorite!

I tried brussel sprouts, a new to me veggie, three different ways. I thought I was not a fan but i was wrong, brussel sprouts with a little Curry sauce on top is amazing.

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I didn't break plan today and that is about it. Need way more veggies but I also need to go to the store to get some, had no clue how quickly I would go through them while doing this.

Meal 1: 2 eggs over easy over roasted potatoes

Meal 2: tomato and chicken soup with potato  and pineapple

Meal 3: Steak with sauteed spinach sweet potato, mushroom and caramelized onion.

I can officially handle fruit. i think I may be taking charge of my sugar dragon. Now need to find more veggies.

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So I guess I am on day 12. I am sure it will become hard again soon but right now i am busy with work and on auto pilot and I am just not snacking. and eating compliant foods now instead of garbage. I am excited for things to slow down and the 1st to come so i can get a little more wiggle room in the budget. Although it was difficult, I enjoyed the reflection aspect of the program more than anything and with the limited budget and time there is little reflection beyond how can I get as many veggies in my stomach as possible with no money or time. This weeks challenge did introduce me to raw zucchini as a snack. I just peel it with a veggie peeler and eat, sometimes with lemon sometimes without. either way it is amazing. And I found 1 more way to eat Brussel sprouts that I don't hate, still dont like them but my palate will grow to love them if i try and give it time.


Meal 1: .5  hash brown potato, leftover veggies, 2 eggs over easy

Meal 2 : .5 lb broccoli, .5 sweet potato, 1/2 cup chili 

Meal 3: Chicken curry, coconut milk in curry as fat source and .5 potato. served with a grilled peach, because I wanted one and I discovered fruit is fine for me.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 21, still doing well but its starting to get difficult again. Its not any physical symptoms just a series of events which will make this last week extra challenging. Very excited for the reintroduction phase to discover what my diet is going to be like from now on. This weekend I went to the grocery store and did my meal prep for the week. Well, out of oil for mayo and my batch last night failed so no mayo and therefore not enough fat for me until I can get to the store. Additionally, I bought a new brand of compliant coconut milk, it was on sale, 1$! Downside is it is awful. Very sweet and extra coconutty, I imagine it is great in coffee but in my curry and tomato soup i prepped for the week it was awful. So since my meal plan failed and I am essentially out of grocery money until Wednesday I am going to have to eat what I made, which is not any fun. Struggling to consume enough veggies- I feel like i have had so many I am starting to hate them. Plus next weekend I am staying at  my in-laws in an impromptu home visit. Honestly going to have to pack every meal I am going to eat in advance and turn down their extra yummy wine and cheese plates on day 28.       Having to repeat to myself like a mantra "28 days is not 30"

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Somehow I miscounted. I thought tomorrow was day 30. It is actually today. I'm freaking out. I don't feel like I'm done. I've learned a lot but I don't know if I am ready to eat normally. I'm very excited to reintroduce things. I think if I am not sensitive to beans legumes and whole grain they might be nice occasional additions. I think no matter what refined grains like pasta, dairy products, alcohol and processed meat will be rare choices. Who knows. This is terrifying.

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