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Starting tomorrow nov 5!


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I need this ridiculously bad. Can't wait to start tomorrow and defeat my harmful eating patterns!

I'm a stressed out college female and bingeing on sugary foods has been my go-to lately unfortunately.

But not anymore, I'm gonna trade my "safety net" of comforting foods for a much healthier rewarding lifestyle!

Anyone looking to start onnovember 5?

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Hi- I am new to Whole 30, this will be my first run through the program, starting tomorrow. Spent the day organizing a meal plan for the week- I think the thing I am going to miss the most is my sugar and cream in my coffee... but the rest I can do as long as I stay organized. Sugary foods be gone!!

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Hi all! I've been toying with the idea of doing this once I heard about it last week, and decided just to jump in today. I'll be scrambling a bit to get groceries in, but I think I'm better off starting than putting it off more. I'm pretty familiar with low-carb eating, having done it off and on for years, so I think I'll be OK.

My big motivation is that my eating got way off track with Halloween and Hurricane Sandy. Stuck inside with no power for several days, I turned to halloween candy and carby stuff from the cupboard. Ready to feel better with veggies and meat!

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Hello you all:) Kindly asking to join you too - I started monday as well. I have been struggeling for some times, finished one W30, did wrong choises after that first one and then the second time as well!!! It is not worth it to surrender to the sugar dragon, so this time I'll hopefully get it right. My mood is good.

I think this community and backups are good.

How are you doing so far?

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I started Monday too! The day when new things start, right....

Been feeling really positive about it all and trying to not worry about temptations that may come up tomorrow or next week. I think for me staying in the day is going to be the key. And keeping some veggies and fruit with me at all times, just in case!

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