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Ouisie's 1st Whole30 Log


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Ok, I am a little slow but logging my Whole30 journey was what I wanted to do all along and I just now figured out how to use the forum to do that! well duh.

Today is actually Day 6 of my restart as I am trying to catch all of the little culprits in our food and eliminate them. sugar was the main thing I was looking for ..but wait ... there is also carrageenan. I bought what I thought was good clean chicken thighs  (package of 8) and broiled them only to read the label and there was carrageenan. I thought skinless and boneless was as clean as you could get but no. I have frozen them in hopes of reintroducing carrageenan into my diet just so I can eat those chicken thighs. They are one of my fav's.

Breakfast was clean - 2 eggs, half avocado, cup of sliced strawberries.  Going to a friends for lunch and packed cabbage salad, 2 palms of shrimp, and some avocado mayo. Yummm.

More later, once I figure out what to have besides chicken thighs for dinner!

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OK - Day 6 dinner will be ground beef, Whole30 tomato sauce, spaghetti squash and some round zucchini like squash.  This is another one of my fav's so I am not feeling too deprived of my chicken thighs.

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Day 7 - Yippee end of Week 1 - Plan for the day is:

B- 2 eggs, 1/2 sweet potato with 1 t ghee, red seedless grapes

L - cabbage salad, 2 palms of shrimp, avocado mayo (I love this one)

D - Halibut with citrus sauce, 1/2 sweet potato with 1t of ghee.

My hip is feeling better since it started hurting a lot about a week ago, I slept well last night and my coughing has subsided. I did restart my Zyrteck and Benydril because the skin itching came back (this is from the high pollen levels in my area).

More later on my success. 

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I am patting myself on the back to have weathered a marketing lunch with top notch BBQ served (I  know this because I have had it before!). I had my favorite lunch of Cabbage Slaw and Shrimp. Got home only to find I did not have any apple cider to make the Citrus Sauce for my halibut and I was NOT going out again. So, had pulled pork with half sweet potato and zucchini. One of my emergency meals.

I stopped by the Farmers Market today and discovered that organic doesn't always mean without sugar. Even the grass fed specially packaged beef, pork, chicken, etc... from local farms can be processed with sugar. I still was able to find some nice rib eyes and bison jerkey.

Week One down - movin' on.

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Day 8 - July 7th - Friday

Here's my plan:

B - 2 palms of ground beef, W30 tomato sauce, bowl full of veggie stuff (yawn!)

L - cabbage slaw, 2 palms of shrimp and avocado mayo (yum - can't wait for lunch)

D - halibut w/ citrus sauce, yellow squash, cauliflower rice, 1T of ghee (this will be new for me!)

Planning to prep butternut soup and the cauliflower rice today. Gotta have my soup for the weekend. That is another of my food fav's. I've got to do something about this warped relationship with food. 

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Day 8 was followed exactly. My meals aren't being timed very well. Lunch fell at 2pm and I did not have a mini-meal with me to cut the hunger earlier.  I have some bison jerky so I may pack some of that with some olives as an emergency mini-meal packed in my water bag.

I always have to plan for my weekend days since breakfast is usually late and dinner is usually early. Gotta plan and prepare.

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Day 9 was a good day with several challenges.  I prepared a mini-meal to have in the middle of the day to hold me over to dinner after Sat. evening church. We went to Whole Foods for dinner and I was able to stay on my Whole 30 plan. Breakfast was 2 eggs, 1/2 avocado, gazpacho. Lunch was 1 palm of bison jerky and 1hand of olives. Dinner was Chicken Curry, grilled vegetables and cauliflower rice. No fruit today.

Day 10 was also a good day because I had a plan. Breakfast was 2 pieces of Whole30 bacon, 2 eggs, 1/2 sweet potato, peaches. Lunch was a mini-meal of pulled pork and 1/2 sweet potato and dinner was 6 oz bison burger, salad with Whole30 Ranch dressing.

Not a bad weekend. I am reading labels more and am very surprised at the contents of 'organic' labeled food. I read up on food prep for the week so I will be doing the steam prep this week to see if that makes my meals easier this week. Also got some good clean Whole30 chicken thighs so food will be great this week.

Day 11 is all planned and I am anxious to get it started.


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Day 11 has the following plan:

B - 1 hard boiled egg, tomato mix with 1 palm of lean ground beef, and 1/3 avocado. CHECK :)

L - cabbage salad with 2 palms of chicken thighs and 2 T of Ranch dressing

D - Romesco shrimp with zucchini noodles

I slept well and was able to get up at 5:30 to my quite time and still have patio time with hubby. This am my hip is feeling better. Have not had any coughing spells so far!

More later.

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Day 11 was a good day. B was great, L had some of my favs then I ran out of steam for D and threw Zucchini noodles and chicken thighs and olives in a pan. It turned out pretty good.

The thing I like most on the Whole30 is that you can have ANYTHING that is just plain food.  I am still working on my Day 12 plan. I only need a few basics to make meals easy so the prep time is getting easier. The week plan is a must though.

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Day 12 was good. I felt good, went over to a friends and took my lunch, then had a new favorite dinner! B- frittata   L- cabbage slaw with chicken thighs and ranch dressing  D - 6oz steak with sweet potato noodles and a salad with ranch (of course).

I have been shutting down all electronics an hour before bed and shutting the TV off about 30 min. before bed. I slept weird last night with lots of noticeable joint pains and tight neck muscles. I think I will change my pillow to see if that will help and TRY to sleep on my back! I really do not like that but I will TRY. Have kind of a rubbly gut today - are things still getting cleaned out????  or..  am I somehow still not eating clean. Don't think that is it.

Day 13 plan is - B was 1 hardboiled egg + 1/2 avocado+ left over salad from last night. Not a bad cold bowl meal. L is cabbage salad with chicken and avocado mayo. D will finally be the Romesco Shrimp I have been trying to fix for a week.

More later on how I did.

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Day 13 became a mess.  B was great but L time became chaotic and I did not eat until 3:30. L was butternut squash soup and 1 palm of chicken.  It is 6pm and I need to eat D soon and I am not motivated to do the shrimp I had planned. I guess I will have the cabbage salad + some thawed frozen cooked shrimp + more ranch dressing.

I am glad I have the prepared foods but I don't like being rushed....  I don't feel like I am in control but at least I am eating clean.

Day 13 will be good - am NOT starting over, again.

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Today is Day 14 - I am almost to the middle of this major life challenge. I tell myself I really need to clean up my system but really deep down I just want to lose some weight. I know it will take some time to lose what I have put on but at least I can do it without the traditional denials like - no chicken thighs!

Here is Day 14 so far:

B- leftover frittata and 1/2 grapefruit

L- leftover steak and sweet potato noodles

D - I am planning to do the Shrimp Romesco (that recipe looks so good but I actually have to make this dish instead of doing grab and go from my fridg prep stuff - I guess this is the Whole30 Lazy Me)

I slept good and planned to get up early for some quiet time BUT my doggie Twinkie convinced me to have quite time with her so I didn't get up until 6:15am. My hip felt better today since I changed my pillow. Got a thinner one. My coughing seems to happen more after I drink the seltzer water in the evenings. I will cut out the Seltzer Water (my substitute for wine) to see if the carbonation may be aggravating things.  Now I have to get creative with ice cubes to dress my wine glass up.

More later ...

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This is Day 15 and I have a plan (which I have already messed up!). But first - the Romesco Shrimp was delish. I did take some shortcuts like the recipe suggested and the cook-up was not so bad. I used the thawed - frozen pre-cooked shrimp and bought zucchini noodles already made. There is enough of the Romesco to use on other things - like breakfast!

B- I had planned to make a spinach omlette and 1/2 grapefruit but instead has the last frittata with - WAIT FOR IT - Romesco sauce. Imagine that.

L - I had planned on Tuna Boats but am in a rush to pack a lunch and just packed up left over steak and sweet potato noodles, Yummy. I will add my 1/2 grapefruit.

D - Ground turkey w/ veggies and sweet potato

Wow, today is the half-way point. I can't imagine that. I am feeling better, slept well last night all the way through the night. My hip seems to be okay so far today and my coughing has been nil. The rest of the day will tell. Going to be away from my desk (at home) all afternoon and hubby has an event this evening so I will be HOME ALONE! I have lots of small household projects to keep me distracted.

more later after day 15 is in the bag!

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Well I became my Whole30 Lazy Me for dinner. Did not eat lunch until 2PM then got home at 5PM and was pretty hungry and did not want to FIX anything. Nibbled on Chicken Jerky and had left over Romesco Shrimp and a half sweet potato. I was stuffed! It was reminiscent of my pig out days so I was a little concerned.

But.. slept well, hip is not bothering me and my coughing has not been an issue so far today (11am). So here we go into Day 16 ....

Breakfast was sautéed veggies, scrambled eggs and bowl of strawberries.

Lunch will probably be leftover cabbage salad and chicken.

Dinner is planned to be Steelhead fillets with pesto, salad with fresh ranch dressing and maybe some cauliflower rice.

Planning to boil a chicken  from the farmers market tomorrow and fill up my grab & go stuff.  I have found that if I have the Cabbage Salad, Ranch dressing, Avocado Mayo, chicken and ground something available - I'm good to go. The only problem is that my husband keeps eating off MY shelf in the fridge and not cleaning out HIS shelf (BBQ, potato salad, pasta salad, baked beans etc..).  He is beginning to see the body system value of the Whole30. He certainly does not have to lose weight, that scoundrel.

More later on whether I stick to my plan.

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OK ... lunch went well.  Dinner got caught in the Whole30 Lazy Me. The Steelhead fish was not completely thawed so I diverted to chicken. Also I discovered I did not have all the ingredients for the Pesto sauce. We ended up with a GREAT clean dinner though and it was more than either hubby or I could finish.

Dinner was Perfect Chicken Breast, 1/2 sweet potato and sautéed spinach, mushrooms and peppers. - AWESOME

Working on my plan for tomorrow.

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Day 17! OMG - things are moving along. Just like the timeline says I am anxious to get on the scale. I am use to losing weight quicker but I know that the clean eating is much better for me and the weight will come off in time FOR GOOD.

Meals today were good but as usual, the noon meal ended up at 3pm and my evening meal was at 6pm. I did my grocery shopping today with a cook-up of mostly sauces and a roasted chicken. I am ready for the week.

B- 2 scrambled eggs, sautéed veggies, 1 slice whole30 bacon and 1/2 an avocado.

L-chicken jerky and handful of cashews

D-steelhead fillets with Presto sauce, cauliflower rice and salad with whole30 ranch dressing.

More tomorrow.

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The Day 18 plan was to start the day with 2 eggs, 1/2 sweet potato and grapefruit. Well I have already broken the plan and had 2 eggs, leftover veggies, 1/2 tomato, 1/2 avocado and 1/2 peach! I guess there is a freeing nature about breaking the plan. It also shows me that I don't need the plan to do this program. Clean eating has become easy as long as I have the right food.

Lunch is planned to be Cabbage Salad, chicken, and Ranch Dressing .. yumm.

Dinner will be this great chicken/spinach sausage I found in Whole Foods. I checked the label and it looks clean. I will add some sautéed spinach and sliced tomato (with ranch dressing of course)

More later.

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Well, Day 18 ended up being another chaotic day. Lunch did not go as planned - no surprise there. I ended up having to grab a Lara Bar (these are new to me) Cashew Cookie - Whole30 compliant - about 12:30 as I was running out the door for a business errand. Got back about 2:00 and had to be back at my desk to finish a project. By 4:30 I shifted back into one of my old habits but with new food. I have always loved peanut butter and bananas and use to just sit with the jar a knife and a banana. I figured out today that Cashew Butter is a good substitute and I only allowed myself a half a banana.  I was a bit guilty about the reminiscence of a pig out session and the fact that I gave into the lure of the pig-out BUT I will just add it to my meal tracker and try to follow the plan tomorrow.

Dinner was the Cabbage Salad with Chicken and Ranch Dressing I planned for lunch! Thank goodness for cook-up.

My plan for Day 19 looks like this (at this point) -

Breakfast- 1/2 sweet potato, 2 eggs, 1/2 avocado   

Lunch will be in a meeting BUT there will be a salad bar and I will take my ranch dressing with me and maybe some of MY chicken.

Dinner - chicken/spinach sausage, steamed spinach, left over cauliflower rice.

Here we go into the wild blue yonder --- only 11 days left.

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Day 19 has started with a creative session - that means the plan was altered!

Breakfast was 1/2 sweet potato, 1/2 cup of egg substitutes scrambled, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 c left over gazpacho. It made a great breakfast bowl.

Lunch and dinner is still as planned.

More later on how I do.

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Lunch on Day 19 went as planned. I did pack a couple of handfuls of chicken along with my ranch dressing and put it on my salad bar salad (only raw things).

Dinner was fun with the chicken spinach sausage and sautéed veggies. Hubby joined me and it was sooo good he thinks I have been lying to him about how healthy the food is. I am a bit concerned that I may be getting too much fat. I will ask that is some of the other forums.

Another day in the bag.

I have been reading ahead on the reintro plans. I will definitely do the Slow Mo plan. I am already making my list of what to bring back - one by one. I just enjoy this plan and my goal is to keep it up. I feel good but will want to lose a little more weight.

More later.

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The Day 20 plan is -

Breakfast - big bowl of sautéed veggies, 2 eggs, 1/2 an avocado, 1/2 grapefruit

Lunch - Cabbage salad, 2 palms of chicken, avocado mayo (yummmm)

Dinner - Chicken thighs, veggies, 1/2 sweet potato.

It's gonna be a good day. Very focused on work, going to a friends for lunch (taking my salad) and I will probably sign up for 24 Hour Fitness later today. I have considered 5 different work-out facilities and 24 Hour is just minutes away and they have all of the 'stuff' I want.

More later on how I did today.

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Day 20 was clean and non-threatening.

Day 21 was a different story. Yesterday was July 20th - MY BIRTHDAY! I had a busy day planned and was joining my Ladies Night Out group for dinner. The plan was:

Breakfast - ground turkey with butternut squash - yumm

Lunch - cabbage salad with chicken and ranch dressing - yumm

Dinner at P.F. Changs - anything seafood steamed - hmmmm - I ordered the Surf and Turf and asked for everything steamed. Well somehow the lobster came with a breading on it so I took that home to hubby. I also asked that they not use any butter. My 10 lady friends ordered the 'free' birthday dessert of fried banana with ice cream AND STRAWBERRIES. I enjoyed a strawberry and asked for 10 spoons so every one could have a bite. My lady friends are all retired (I turned the retirement age of 66 so that is in my future soon) and only 2 of them are still in shape - kinda sad. They think I am crazy but I tell them I am feeling great just eating God's food. What can they say to that. I still love my friends of 30+ years.

Day 22 is here and I feel a little sluggish. I think P.F. Changs may have slipped me a 'mickie' last night or it could just be the extra high pollen count today contributing to my headache, but who knows. It certainly was not due to ANY alcohol.  I am moving on. Here's the plan:

Breakfast - sautéed sliced tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, 2 fried eggs    -   :) done

Lunch - cabbage salad, ranch dressing, cubed chicken thighs

Dinner - Perfect chicken breasts, broccoli, sweet potato

Back on track with my journaling and feeling great.

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By end-of-the-day on Day 22, I followed the plan. I am not writing down my evening social hour of sparkling water and a small handful of nuts. This is my patio time with hubby. I am 8 days away from the finish line and have already started my reintro list. Wine tops the list to be reintroduced on Sunday July 30th.

My weekend will be easy to stay clean but I will struggle to get in the 3 meals throughout the day. We will be out antiquing most of the day so I might need to pack my cooler bag.

More on my plan tomorrow.

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For Day 23 my plan is:

breakfast was 1 palm of ground turkey in a bowl of leftover veggies. I added a 1/2 peach to that.

lunch will be a grab and go meal of cabbage salad and chicken chunks and avocado mayo. I have it packed and ready to go as we venture out on our errands - in case we don't get back until after lunch.

dinner is a combination of ground pork and ground beef suggested by my Farmers Market meat lady. I will probably make a couple of patties and cook the rest up in the skillet to have this week. Hubby will have his burger and I will try portabella mushrooms as my bun. I will add some avocado mayo along with the tomato and lettuce. Hubby will have his chips/beans/potato salad pickins and I am not sure what I will fix to go with my dinner. Probably a cook-up of my peppers and onions with some left over for later in the week.

of course, I will have my patio social time with my sparkling water and 1 handful of nuts.

This should be easy to do so we will see how it goes. Only 7 days to go and looking forward to next Sunday so I can get on the scale and pick my one thing to reintroduce - wine of course. I will pick out a nice Pinot Grigo to open just for the occasion.

More later.

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Day 23 is in the bag. I did follow the plan. I had my grab and go meal ready and was able to get a lunch in today. My dinner was wonderful. The combination of ground pork and beef for the burgers was great. I made a few extras and froze them. The rest of the ground meet will be sautéed tomorrow during my Cook-Up. I used my avocado mayo, some tomatoes and sprouts and put everything on a big portabella mushroom.  Yumm

Tomorrow is Day 24 and the plan is:

breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 bacon, tomatoes and strawberries. I will probably add some sautéed veggies.

lunch - protein salad made with tuna along with sliced tomatoes and avocado mayo.

dinner - Salmon Cakes, tarter sauce, sautéed spinach and mushrooms.

As of tomorrow - only 6 days to go. I'm putting together my re-introduction list and I find that some foods are not appealing anymore. More later.


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