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Ouisie's 1st Whole30 Log


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Day 24 was good but it also came with some 'creativity'.

Breakfast was as planned.

Lunch was NOT the protein salad and had to be caught on the go - banana and cashew butter. A mini-meal a bit off balance.

Dinner had a slight hiccup. I could not find any canned sweet potato for the Salmon cakes so we had Salmon with pesto sauce, spinach and mushrooms, and sweet potato.

I did not do a cook-up today which means I will be making a little something each day. NO big deal but I need to make sure I have my lunches planned. That is where I get lazy.

Haven't planned Day 25 yet but I am already planning my reintroduction plan. It gives me something to look forward to. Gotta love a plan.

More tomorrow.

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The Day 25 plan is:

Meal 1 - 1 palm ground turkey, sautéed mixed veggies, 1 T ghee, half grapefruit.  :) was yummy

Meal 2 - cabbage slaw, 2 palms chicken, 2 T avocado mayo

preWO - Lara bar

Meal 3 - Salmon Cakes w/ W30 Tartar Sauce, mystery veggie, cauliflower rice

not sure what to do with the PostWO meal when I plan to workout so close to Meal3 time.

Getting close, only 5 more days. I am on the hunt for non-sulfite white wine to start my Reintro on Sunday.


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Day 25 was clean but did not follow the whole plan. Dinner was a mess. I ran out of steam and had absolutely no motivation to make anything. I had 2 palms of chicken, leftover cauliflower rice and spinach and mushrooms (also left over).

Day 26 will be:

meal 1 - 2 eggs, 1/2 sweet potato, 2T ghee and maybe some sautéed tomatoes.

meal 2 - protein salad and avocado mayo

meal 3 - salmon cakes, tarter sauce and sautéed veggies

I did some research on the sulfate free wine. Seems that your best bet is to stick with red and not white to separate the affect of the alcohol from the affect of the sulfates. I am selecting something special to celebrate with.  More later.

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Day 26 was not too bad but for some reason that anxious anger came back. I was pretty mad at the world most of the day. Don't know why. For breakfast I ate the whole sweet potato just because I could. Lunch was late because of a noon meeting. It was easy to forgo the nice sandwiches that had been catered in because I am thinking more about the result of eating the food and not the food itself. I ate about 2pm and just finished off the leftover veggies and the ground turkey. Cleaned out the strawberries, just because I could. Did 30 min. of recumbent bike at 3:30 then ate at 7PM. I'm not getting the hang of the pre- and post- workout thing since I am just adding back any type of activity. Joined a gym on my birthday so am working on getting cardio and stretching/toning back into my life. finally made the Salmon Cakes for dinner and they were great. The recipe makes A LOT. Can't imagine that is only 2 servings. I will get at least 3 if not 4 servings out of that cookup.

Day 27 plan is:

meal 1 - sautéed zucchini and onions with 1 and a half palms of my special farmers market beef/pork mixture, 1/2 avocado and 1/2 peach.

meal 2 - cabbage salad and 1 palm cubed chicken (I packed this lunch so I can take it with me for an early lunch appt. - I'm trying to get my meals in at the right times and add the pre- and post workout food)

pre-workout - Lara Bar

post workout - buffalo jerky and some cashews

meal 3 - my own concoction of Mexican Mash - sautéed onion and pepper with my favorite beef/pork mixture topped with diced tomatoes and peach salsa from Brenham Kitchen at the farmers market.

We will see how the day goes. I have 3 days to go (not counting today). Going out to buy my Frey Red Wine that is organic and sulfite free for my celebration day on Sunday. :rolleyes: can't wait. 

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Day 27 went pretty well. I joined the Whole30 Facebook Group so will check in with them often. I did a little reading on the pre- and post- workout 'meals'. The pre is a mini-meal and the post is more protein but no fat. Since I am beginning my gym routine I am not pushing and sweating yet. The only extra food I had today was a little bit of Bison Jerky after my wimpy workout.

Here's my unofficial plan for Day 28! (OMG)

meal 1 -  2 eggs, sweet potato, sautéed onions

meal 2 - salmon cakes, tarter sauce, cabbage salad

meal 3 - I have no idea. I will do something new.

I am only doing cardio on Thursday. Not sure I will need the pre- and post- workout extra food unless I plan to really push it. - NOT!


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Day 28 was good. I have been pulled to reintroduction research in every spare minute. It's great. It really heightens the excitement for Day 31. I resolved the question about pre and post workout food and today I figured out I need something. I am taking it very slow getting back into working out. Today was 30 min. of cardio and I got more sweaty than I thought and was hungry after the workout. The calorie count on the bike was only 116 for the 30 min. but every little bit helps. I came home and had 1 palm of my special ground beef and pork mix. Everyday is a learning process.

I stuck with the meal 1 and 2 and for meal 3 had my fav chicken thighs, sweet potato and some cabbage salad.

I will make Day 29 special with:

meal 1 - chicken thighs, sautéed veggies, 2T ghee

meal 2 - salmon cakes, tarter sauce, mini-tomatoes

meal 3 - steak, baked potato with 1T ghee, salad with 1T ranch dressing

Friday and Saturday I will have off from my exercise plan. Start back on Sunday.

Getting close. Going shopping for my Frey wine tomorrow. Can't wait for that glass of wine on my patio.

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Day 29 - blow by blow

Meal 1 went as planned and I added a half grapefruit plus my favorite Peach Salsa from Brenham Kitchens. This salsa is 100% Whole30 compliant and they only make it during peach season. I just discovered it last week and am now buying the jars in bulk!!!!  The first jar lasted less than a week in our house because hubby Joe discovered it and put it on everything.  This only concerned me when he said my chicken tasted funny but the Peach Salsa fixed everything. 

Gonna have to pack Meal 2 for a trip to Clear Lake to see my 95 yr.old Mom.  All will be well.

Working on my Post-Whole30 habits and tools. I will be switching over to the After whole30 forum area and continue my journaling.

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The completion of Day 29 -

Meal 2 was easy and I stuck with the plan. Got home and hubby Joe was having his evening snack of mixed nuts preparing for his poker night out with the guys. So.... I join in with my handful of cashews and my fancy water in a wine glass. Since hubby is out for the evening I 'use to' use my time alone to enjoy junk food. I am not putting my Whole30 in jeopardy to do a junk food night. My junk food of choice is usually ice cream or chocolate anything.  I did have to do a little something extra to end my day and stay clean.

Meal 3 was steak (sirloin), red potato (w/1T ghee) and small salad (w/1t ranch dressing) as planned. BUT ... something was gnawing  at me. I was restless and the little bit of noncomplient "hubby" food was calling me!! It crossed my mind that he had chocolate graham crackers on 'his' shelf in the pantry and we had some mini-ice cream sandwiches we keep for the neighborhood kids. I am very  committed to the Whole30 so I knew I would not mess things up but I just needed a substitute for the food. I tried to plan a clean-up session in my home office but that did not calm the anxious feeling.

My evening substitute ended up being a Lara Bar (pecan pie - dates, pecans and almonds) and a cup of strong Starbucks instant coffee. I will be staying up probably until 11pm so having the evening substitute at 8pm should not create a problem with sleeping. Unfortunately, my home office is still a mess. 

Day 30 will include my usual weekend challenge of getting 3 meals in. More later on my plan.

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Day 30 is here - yipee.  I have been reading everyone's reintroduction plans and I did something a little different. I made a list of the foods I missed during my W30 and will introduce them slowly, like once a month or something like that. I discovered that I really missed pancakes and that will be a complicated treat to break down and see if it is the gluten or the sugar that creates a reaction. Anyway, my first test will be adding back my wine. 

My plan for today is:

Meal1 - chicken, leftover veggies, ghee and a half peach.

Meal2 - 1 W30 hotdog, 2T avocado mayo

Meal3 - I have no idea yet!

More later.

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The final day - a Saturday - went well. I did get in three meals.  Meal 3 was pulled pork, sweet potato and steamed broccoli.

I finished the Whole30!!! Now Day 31 will reveal whether I need to reintroduce OR forge on with the W30.

Join me on the Post-Whole30 forum as I continue my journaling.

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Hi Champion - I lost 4 pounds at the end of my first W30. I had 12 pounds to lose and I lost 4 during the 30 days. After 8 days of testing how off plan food affects me I decided to do another W30 with the hopes of dropping another 4 pounds. I am adding exercise to my W30 to kick the wt. lose up. You can check out my next forum thread - Quisies 2nd Whole30 Log.

More later.

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