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My first attempt at a whole 30


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Day 4:

So far I have had some strong sugar cravings (in particular I have been going crazy for whole nut Dairy Milk and Diet Coke - I had a terrible diet before this week!) but I have managed to fend them off and I know it sounds silly but I feel a lot stronger for it. As if I have confidence in my ability to tell the cravings to go bugger off and pesture someone else.

I normally get these cravings in the evenings either before or after dinner. They must be related to my being tired.

I have tried and failed a twice with the whole 30. Both times I had these really intense cravings and ended up vomiting at the smell of fat, severely craving sugar.

This time however has been much easier. I decided right from the start to go over the top with my meals, to prepare really good quality food every night to try to get myself to look forward to my dinner, instead of getting home and ordering a curry.

I have had some bad news today though...

I have just received an email from the big boss at work. He is going to flood the office with fresh pizza as a thank you for all our hard work.

Pizza is my weakness :(

This is going to be my first proper test. Not looking forward to it at all.

I think I should make sure I bring in plenty of good quality food and allow myself to snack on them (ignoring my strict 3 meals a day routine). Do you think this is a good idea?

Wish me luck :)

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Hi Wayne! If you take a look at my daily food logs, this happened to me at work as well. There were like 40 fresh pizzas in my office building as a "reward" of sorts, along with sodas. I grabbed a bottle of water, sat at my table, wanted to scream because the smell was delicious and everyone around me was eating.... but I kept telling myself that the temporary taste would not outlive the longterm benefits of not eating dairy/grains/sugar. I managed to get out of there and go back to my office and eat my home prepared meal.

Just stay strong. Tell yourself something that makes it worthwhile to avoid the pizza. Perhaps you can pack a lunch that makes you really look forward to eating it....(but compliant).

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