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Today is my start day! January 6


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Ok, I'll admit... YESTERDAY was supposed to be my start day but the first thing I did when I woke up was finish my leftover birthday moon pie. Then I spent the rest of the day munching on Kit Kat bars my friend had gifted me. Needless to say, my sugar cravings are going to be my main battle over the next 30 days. I've been trying to wean off sugar for years with no success. 

I just turned 31, am single, live by myself, am under-employed, and meditation has become a major part of my self-care. I started seeing an acupuncturist for health concerns last month and she sent me a list of diet/nutrition suggestions to help. I realized it was similar to Whole30, so I am using Whole30 as my guideline (the big difference for me right now is that I can't have coffee and there's a big chance this will need to turn into a Whole90).

I woke up this morning already with a craving for coffee and something sweet! This is going to be tough for me, but I am very excited to see what the light at the end of the tunnel will look like. I know my body is capable of healing and feeling better, and am fully committed to becoming more attuned to what I really need versus my body's reactions and desires.

That being said, I am hella scared.

Thank you for reading, and looking forward to the next month with ya'll!

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