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Linda T's Whole30 log

Linda Templeton

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Beginning April 3 2018. Last night I made Perfect chicken sausages for dinner which I had with a big salad and some red pepper mayo. ( made the basic mayo with avocado oil and it's disgusting so I added some red pepper sauce .....still horrible. From now on I'll stick to vinergrette) So this morning I had leftover chicken sausage with sauteed baby spinach and some berries.  Probably didn't use enough spinach, only a couple of handfuls but it was filling and tasty. Lunch will be a protein salad with tinned salmon and planning on Perfect Minced Meat with Tomato sauce and pumpkin for dinner. Using pumpkin because I've never seen Spaghetti Squash here in New Zealand. Had planned to make Fritata last night but spinach was so expensive at the supermarket that I changed my mind. Such a shame that I am such a lousy gardener. 

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