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I'm starting today--glad I ran into "It Starts with Food"


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Thank you, Dallas and Melissa, for this opportunity. I literally ran into your book, "It Starts with Food," at a thrift store. It caught my attention and I bought it. Been reading it every since. Crazy that somebody would let go of something this good! I've played with Paleo in the past (Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint) but not done it for any serious length of time. I'm a Personal Trainer and helping clients with basic diet goes hand in hand with it. My health is very good. I'm 57 and in better shape today than 20 years ago. But like all human beings, I'm still overcoming some things, such as I know my sleep can be better, and some of the things I eat cause inflammation. I know they're dairy, legumes, and grains (can make me tired). This diet looks like just what the doctor ordered. I thank God I found the book! I plan to do a "clean" version of this clean diet--i.e.: clean fish, no pig meat, etc. Anyway, you never want to have expectations, and yet I really expect this "diet" to help me achieve better health. Thanks again for creating this forum!

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