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You can do anything for 30 days! Right?!


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Thanks for the encouragement, Juzbo!

Day 18. It was a sunny, warm and gorgeous day in Denver! I managed to get about 10 or so hours of sleep overnight (does that mean I'm not getting enough sleep during the week?). My day was mellow and included yoga, two walks in my neighborhood park with friends, cleaning, and sitting on the balcony reading for one of my grad classes (and soaking up some D!). I couldn't have asked for a better day. No stress, no cravings and my mood has been wonderful!

Meal 1: I valued sleep this morning over food, so I didn't manage to eat anything.

Meal 2: leftover chicken thigh, spaghetti squash and brussel sprouts

Meal 3: baked chicken covered in sundried tomatoes stored in evoo, garlic and basil (simple to make and phenomenal!) on top of a bed of spinach, roasted butternut squash, 4ish oz of cranberry kombucha

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Day 19. Nothing much to report. I was a little light on the food today and ended up snacking on an evil (for me) lara bar. It didn't cause any cravings though, so maybe things are progressing in the right direction on that front. I wish I could figure out why it's so difficult for me to eat breakfast; most times I feel physically hungry, but mentally repulsed by food in the morning.

Meal 1: 2 eggs with wilted spinach (could only eat half)

Meal 2: leftover salmon, roasted broccoli, couple bites of leftover mashed sweet potatoes

Snack: lara bar

Meals 3: borscht (beets, chicken, cabbage and such), 4ish oz of cranberry kombucha

By the way, I had the first of my food dreams last night. Very strange...

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Day 20. I'm definitely grateful for the extra day off! The day went well, lots of exciting things coming up that I can't stop thinking about! I start my first semester of grad school tomorrow (my first class in six years!), I joined a new CSA (community supported agriculture- local veggies) with a few friends to start in June, I signed up with a few friends to run a marathon relay in May, and signed for the color run 5k in June! So much to look forward to and all is in place to help me meet my goals. I feel on top of the world! As far as Whole30 goes, my energy was pretty steady today with no cravings to speak of.

Meal 1: Zip; slept in and no hunger

Meal 2: leftover borscht, 1/2 sweet potato with 1/2 a smushed avocado

Snack: pistachios

Meal 3: skirt steak, roasted broccoli, peppers and onions, fresh pineapple

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Day 21. Pretty good day, Whole30 wise. Steady energy with some fleeting cravings (buttery croissants, rocky road ice cream and cheese!!). I'm realizing that I am now developing the ability to be both logical and introspective when it comes to my cravings. When I crave something, I ask questions like, why? Where is this craving coming from? What need will eating the craved food fufill? As an emotional/stress eater, I have NEVER been able to do this before. I just dive in head first and regret later. This is definitely a pleasant revelation, although I still struggle with cravings from time to time.

Meal 1: Nothing. I'm still having issues eating breakfast and feel physically ill when I try to eat in the mornings, despite the fact that I often feel hunger.

Meal 2: leftover chicken with sundried tomatoes, spinach, roasted butternut squash

Snack: pistachios

Meal 3: leftover skirt steak, roasted broccoli, peppers and onions, 1/2 small sweet potato with 1/2 an avocado

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Day 23. I'm growing weary of tracking all my food! I was light on the food today, but that wasn't my intention; it was a super hectic day, so I did what I could.

Meal 1: :huh:

Meal 2: huge bowl of leftover vegetable and sausage soup

Meal 3: salad with pulled pork, veggies, avocado

Snack or whatever: small glass (4-6 oz) guava kombucha

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Day 24. Warning: Childish whining to follow. I am pet sitting for a great couple with a house full of quality wine, chocolate and fancy cheese that is all open to me to consume if I choose. I made spaghetti squash and tomato sauce with grassfed beef and want some flipping cheese!!!!!!! I just feel an irrational amount of aggravation that I can't even grade a bit of romano to put on my fake pasta replacement (though I do like spagh. squash in it's own right). If I can make it my last six days of whole30 in this house with a fridge full of a good 10 or so pounds of cheese, I can make it through anything (I like cheese that much. Seriously.)!

Meal 1: 2 eggs scrambled with prosciutto, grape tomatoes and spinach

Meal 2: leftover vegetable and sausage soup

Snack: pistachios

Meal 3: spaghetti squash, pasta sauce with grassfed beef, guava kombucha

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Day 25. Welp, today was a major fail. I actually don't feel like recounting everything step by step like I intended to do, but I had non-compliant bacon and some aged cheddar...some meaning I pretty much binged on both...as a meal. Then I followed this with two lara bars. I don't know where this came from or how I let it happen this late in the game, but I did. I do know it followed stepping on the scale and taking my waist measurement (bad, I know) and being disappointed that my hard work hasn't gotten me anywhere in the physical sense. That is my confession.

I guess it will officially be a whole24 for me, but I plan to keep going through this and keeping my food log through day 30. Starting over counting day 1 would not be a good strategy for me, at all. I know this for a fact. A major breakthrough for me though is that I didn't let the screw up spill over. Normally I would say f*ck it and say "Let's order take out and I'll start tomorrow," make a batch of brownies and then would proceed to do some serious damage. Instead, I calmly acknowledged what I did and told myself "MOVE ON." I followed this mess up with a compliant dinner. Progress.

Meal 1: leftover spaghetti squash with tomato meat sauce

Messssss up, snack, meal, whatever: unbelievable amounts of bacon and cheddar, 2 lara bars

Meal 2/3: baked chicken thighs marinated in lemon, evoo and herbs de provence, oven roasted asparagus, mixed leaf salad with sunflower seeds and dressing made with evoo, balsamic and lemon

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