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Holly's W30 Day 1 and 2


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So I just kicked off my first whole 30 and I am determined to get the most from it....thanks (in advance) for the support on the forum!

here is what the last few days looked like:

Day 1:

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled in coconut oil, 4 oz organic "natural" breakfast sausage (also cooked in coconut oil) and sauted mixed greens in resulting fat.

Lunch: home-made whole30 approved chili, mixed greens w/tangerine, white vinegrette (no oil) dressing and an apple

Dinner: sauted shrimp, coconut curry with roasted cauliflower, and sauted spinich with bacon (nitrate free)

Felt pretty good - did get an afternoon sugar craving but was able to push through with no cheats or snacks.

Day 2:

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled in coconut oil with 4 oz organic "natural" breakfast sausage and spinach

Lunch: left over shrimp/cauliflower curry and organic kale salad w/ same tangerine/white vinegar vinegrette.

Dinner: (planned) broiled salmon with mustard and dill, steamed veggies.

I must be in the "hangover phase" I have had a headache all day and mildly nauseated. Sugar cravings are more intese (specifically craving a coke to lessen the mild nausea). If the phases are accurate - the "Kill ALL things" phase could make things interesting in my house over the weekend..........will keep you posted :P

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Thanks ORBren - the tangerine vinagrette is from whole foods - found in the fridge case with the rest of salad/produce. I am sure that I could make it at home after a few trial and errors, - use tangerine puree, add white vinegar, salt pepper.

if you try it out let me know how it goes!

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