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JL's Whole30 Log


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I'm a little late posting my progress, as I'm already on day 6, but I'm just happy because today is the first day where I'm actually feeling pretty good!

So far today I haven't had any headaches, and I'm feeling very light and airy, I guess is the only way to describe it, haha....l only ever feel that way when I don't eat sugar, and it's almost uncomfortable at first, cause sugar-free days are so rare for me! But I can tell it's how my body should be feeling, and I'm hoping it will be my new normal!

Here's what I've eaten so far today:

Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms and red onion, and one piece of bison sausage

Lunch: Thai chicken curry (I think that's what it's called?) from the nom nom paleo app, a banana, and a mashed sweet potato with Ghee.

I've also been sipping on a small cup of coffee and some water throughout the morning.

Hopefully today continues to be good!

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Still doing pretty good, and it's day 8. I had a headache when I woke up this morning, but it seemed to go away pretty quickly. The last couple of days I've only had headaches during stressful situations at work, and I think this one was also related to stress (I could tell I had been grinding my teeth during the night). I can't wait for the great sleep to kick in...I've heard so much about it. :)

I had a ton of fruit last night, which probably isn't a good thing. I was watching a movie and just got the urge to snack. OOPS! I've been trying to make sure I only eat fruit with meals, instead of pretending they are a "dessert," but I obviously need to work harder at that.

I've noticed that I've felt a little more bloated than usual during the last few days. I feel pretty amazing in every other aspect though, so I'm not too concerned. Any ideas?

Here's what I eat on most days:

-Eggs, bison sausage, mushrooms, onions, maybe one piece of fruit

-1 cup of coffee throughout the morning

- Leftovers (Protein and a veggie), carrot sticks, some pistachios, a piece of fruit

- Dinner from NomNomPaleo's app, some kind of veggie, and usually another piece of fruit

Hmmm...could it just be the fruit that's causing it?

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