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Paleo for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Andi Letizia

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I'm 7 days into my first Whole30 - and thus far I can honestly say it hasn't been difficult - but let's blame that on the plague that has effected me the entire time. Winter in WI can be a bitch! I'm finally getting over my cold and hope to have my appetite back, which means the struggles of eating for this foodie will begin again. I'm making the commitment to changing my lifestyle as I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, and for my entire life, I WILL struggle with my weight. I need to find a lifestyle that will help me enjoy life and encourage me to stop worrying about the pounds.

Low Carb is the best way to eat for someone with PCOS - as we tend to be insulin resistant and have slow metabolisms. We gain weight around our midsection if we even walk past the break room table. I'd say that 98% of the people in my life think I'm a nut job; always worrying about a pound here and a pound there - but on my 5'5" frame, it all makes a difference. I'm in great shape and have been exercising 4-5 times a week on average for more than 10 years. I don't know what I weigh right now - probably somewhere in the 150-155 range - hopefully a pound or two less since starting this new lifestyle. I would love to be a tiny, fit little girl (and have been after a divorce two years ago), but I realize that 130 lbs and a size 4 is probably unrealistic. I'd be happy to be back at the 135-140 size 6 place I was for years - simply so that I can fit back in to my clothes and ensure I don't have too much belly fat which increases the probability that I will have ovarian cysts and diabetes.

I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - a foodies mecca. And, no, it's not because of the beer, brats and cheese that we are known for. Wisconsin is a food heaven. Milwaukee is like a mini Chicago and a minier- NYC when it comes to gastropubs, wine rooms, wonderful chefs, etc. It also doesn't help that it's cold here 6 months out of the year and EVERYTHING we do revolves are food and drink. I've adapted well over the years and don't eat most of what my counterparts consume. I do live across the street from a custard stand which is a challenge, but I can even resist that. I've made the conscious decision to go gluten free - which means giving up beer - the stuff I love - but now realize that it doesn't make my insides feel the best. I WILL NOT, however, give up Wine. For the first 30 days - no problem - It's Sober January in my house anyway - but after that, all bets are off. I can give up sugar and carbs and everything else, but not my sacred wine. That is my weakness. It brings my friends together. Makes me part of a group. It's my indulgence So in order to keep this in my diet on a regular basis - I will eliminate a cornucopia of other things and I'm ok with it.

I'm 7 days in and aside from being ill, I feel good. No major cravings yet. I'd love to get my appetite back and my sense of smell and taste so that I feel like cooking something delicious. I hope that happens very soon.

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