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Jessi's Whole30 - starting 1/7


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Day 1:

breakfast - coffee with coconut milk (a very healthy portion of coconut milk!)

lunch - chicken thigh, green beans with mushrooms, roasted carrots, a few pieces of sweet potato

dinner - snacked on some banana chips, smoked trout, and quick pickles

snacks - raw almonds, coconut chips

-drank water and a lot of tea

Day 2:

Largely the same, with the addition of a few clementines in the evening.

Day 3:

Plan on the same as Day 2, and also threw in some raw carrots for snacking. When these banana chips are gone I'm going to hold off buying more, as I've found I eat way too many of them if they are sitting around.

I struggle with variety in my vegetables - I'd love to eat more of a variety daily but I've found in the past that if I buy more than 2 or 3 at a time they will go bad. I'm going to make some roasted cauliflower soup and more cucumber salad (my quick pickles) tonight. The chicken thighs I cooked on Sunday will last me through the week, and I'm planning on making some more interesting food for next week...I just wanted to get started! I will probably make a quick coconut curry sauce tonight to liven up the foods I've been eating.

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Day 3 was instead a Chipotle burrito bowl for dinner, as I didn't plan far enough ahead to bring food with me and I was out until after 9. That was a little rough and for Wednesdays I need to pack dinner to bring along. There were piles of cookies and other baked things to tempt me and I was starving!

Day 4:

breakfast - coffee with coconut milk

lunch - chicken thigh, roasted carrots and sweet potatoes, raw carrots, a few olives, kiwi

snacks - almonds, clementines

dinner - Will either be very similar to lunch (with more veg), or a giant salad with some good tuna or leftover meat. Depends on where I end up tonight!

During the last challenge I did (which was similar), I spent most of the time trying to figure out how to cut out more fruit. Truthfully I don't think I eat too much of it and I'm not going to feel guilty over eating fruit when I'm making so many healthy choices.

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Ended up making a quick coconut curry last night with some of the already cooked chicken meat. I sauteed some cauliflower with the chicken for it.

Had a banana in the afternoon and another snack later of some smoked trout, olives, and a date.

Late snack of pepitas and a few raisins. I really need to go grocery shopping!

This weekend I'm planning on doing just that and getting some (more interesting) cooking done for the week and be more prepared with more vegetables on hand.

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