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Day Zero, and counting


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There, I said it, I am doing the whole30 from tomorrow. While heavy cold rain is pouring down my office window (which accidentally is also my living room) and I prepare for probably 6-8 weeks of more or less nonstop work at the desk (freelancer, deadline, stress) I have come to the conclusion I need to do something. Like, clean eating.

(The fine print; I am overweight, have been on and off paleo, have massive probs with systemic inflammation, and lately drinking way too much wine for my own good),

Today is day zero (need to make use of that lovely creme fraiche I bought in France and will have some of that not-w30-approved bacon on top of my salad tonight). Tomorrow first thing I do the shopping and meal planning. The hardest part is probably my husband, rail-thin and carb burning. He's going to see a lot of sweet potato on his menu for sure (not so much for me). :blink:

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