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First Whole30 - Hi from the UK


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Still on the horse although not being very diligent about checking in.

Husband arrived home last night with bags of shopping - all non-Whole30. None of it bothers me particularly. I don't believe or feel that any of it tastes as good as I currently feel (even with a sore and itchy neck!). What now concerns me is him and his level of health.

He is having whole30 dinners in the evening but I suspect it isn't enough to put right the damage he is doing to himself during the day. Experience tells me there's no point in trying to push him into changing. Eventually he will notice the change in me and that type of 'proof' is more likely to motivate him,

For now, I am enjoying the freedom of being able to eat at mealtimes without worrying about what I am eating and then not having the rest of my day controlled by the urge to snack.

My only grumble is how much washing up I create everyday :o. No dishwasher here (other than me) and it is noticeable how many more pots and pans there are each evening!

Favourite meals so far? The roasted carrots, best ever chicken and the carnitas from WellFed.

Looking forward to eventually being able to make some of the 'bread' type things on nomnompaleo.....but not yet.

Having (successfully) made mayonnaise for the first time in my life when I started my Whole30 I have had 2 further attempts which have been disastrous. I can only think because it was so easy the first time I am not being as diligent about following the recipe. Yesterday's batch simply did not thicken so I added lots of lime juice, ground coriander and a few chopped almonds and made it into a sauce for the best ever chicken which had been in its brine all day. Considering it was a disaster, and I was just too mean to thrown out that much olive oil, it turned out surprisingly well with request from husband to have that again!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late checking in but pleased to report the first Whole30 is done. I have to say, after the first false start it really wasn't difficult. Even coping with social situations and travelling wasn't hard. There is so much information on here and everyone is so generous in sharing ideas and tips I was able to plan and prepare which saved me being caught off guard - which I am sure would have meant a slip up.

I am going to continue for another 30 days at least. I have lost just over 7lbs and certainly don't consider what I have been doing to come under the heading of dieting. I think 7.8lbs in 30 days is a healthy way to lose weight and I am pleased with that.

My skin has calmed down after a flare up mid 30 days. My breathing and sinuses improved but then deteriorated again (but not to the point they had been). It seems the healing and clearing process is multi layered.

Thanks to everyone on here for contributing ideas and for your support. It has all helped.


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