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my first whole30!!


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wow, one second i was readin up on wat is this thing called whole30? Next thing i kno i'm told by the screen b4 me: "you start NOW! Not tomorrow, next week....YOU'RE ON!!!" So I didn't have much choice abt it:)

Just jumped into this. I'm on day 2, and keep reading up info as i go along. I've had splitting headache; wonder if thats got anythin to do with whole 30??

Otherwise....so far so good!

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Believe me... I'm no expert, but I think what may be going on is this. Your body is probably used to burning glucose for energy... that's why you feel tired and crappy. Be patient and give your body time to adjust and start burning fat for fuel. I'm sure one of the mods will jump in here with more info.

Hang in there... don't give up... it will definitely get MUCH better!

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