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Shawn & Julia's Whole 30


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We just started and are just finishing up Day 2. I've been sick with a slight cold & fever so it hasn't been to hard to kick the sugar cravings and Splenda that I am addicted to in my coffee. We own a CrossFit gym in Colorado and eat Paleo most of the time, but wanted to give The Whole30 a try ourselves before we considered rolling it out to our box and members. Love the emails I've gotten thus far, but the ended up in my spam folder so I didn't see anything at all until a couple of hours ago.

Wish us luck!

Here's my before pic and I'll do an after pic at day 30.


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Starting day 5 and loving it so far. I haven't been able to work out due to having a cold for the last 4 days so I haven't been able to see what affect it has on my physical performance.

I haven't had any terrible cravings other than suffering from my normal coffee fix with cream & Splenda & sugar free Kool-Aid withdrawal. I've been drinking water with a squeeze of lime and lemon but don't really enjoy it as much.

So far I would absolutely recommend doing this with our CrossFit gym and really find the emails informative.

Thanks Whole 9.

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Here we are at Day 11 and want to update on our progress. So far it's been really great. I would say the biggest change has Definately been with my sugar substitutes in drinks such as coffee without Slenda & no sugar free Kool-Aid which I'm totally addicted to. I'm back to working out after being sick with the flu and feel very strong. My mental clarity is not perfect but also I've been going through some massive life and business challenges so having The Whole30 is helping me through all this. There's such a connection to clean eating and productivity. My sleep has been very deep and my dream state is very imaginative... haven't had such awesome symbolic dreams in a long time. My subconscious mind is loving The Whole30. I've leaned out a bit and my wife is looking amazing. She had our 2nd child, a baby boy, 4 months ago and you would never guess by looking at her that she had a baby. She seems to be handling The Whole30 very well and hasn't had a single slip.

I'll check in again after we complete another 5 days.

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1/2 way through our 1st Whole 30. I am sleeping really deeply, my productivity is very high, and my brain function seems very clear. I am getting back my strength in the gym, but my cardio is off a bit since my illness during week 1 of the Whole 30. My wife is looking amazing and I see huge changes with her. Not so much for me physically as far as I can tell by my own visual. I think it's taking my body longer than her to get those visual results. Really enjoying the Whole 30 and think it is an exceptional program. We'll check back in at the 20 day mark.

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Checking in at day 21 for us. We both are still loving the Whole 30. I recently did a weekend long intensive certification class for our CrossFit gym. I brought my own food but had to increase my quantity significantly because we were doing hard workouts a few times a day and I was ripping through calories. I did really well and was happy with my recovery time and stamina. Hydration has been a bit more difficult for me because I'm not very fond of water, the taste turns me off. I used to use sugar free Kool Aid or Crystal Light singles before the Whole 30. It's getting a bit easier, but is still a work in progress. I am sleeping well, my brain function is great, and I have good clarity mentally. Physically I've been better in the past cardio vascular wise but this is more likely due to a decrease in my training volume. 9 more days until we hit day 30 and honestly I don't want it to end in many ways because its so refreshing. I'm especially proud of drinking coffee without cream or Splenda in it :)

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Yes to answer your question I wasn't necessarily looking for big time visual changes but my body fat percentage has increased slightly since the beginning of the challenge which makes me a bit hesitant to roll it out to our members who are struggling with weight loss and body composition. My worry is that they will come away frustrated with the effort they've put in. I personally am loving it but in my experience as an athlete I would describe my results like this. It has reduced stress, increased my sleep (also the sleep in VERY deep and refreshing), my brain clarity and productivity is awesome. My athletic performance and raw strength have decreased noticeably (might be due to a low grade lingering flu like illness), and my cardio and muscular endurance are down a bit as well. Are these reasonable trade offs for me? I would say yes based on where my focus has been with work and life but also tough because I'm competing in the annual CrossFit Games now and I was hoping to be doing better than I am with this nutritional change and thus far have not achieved any advantage on that front unfortunately.

Curios if other athletes have experienced a drop in performance with the Whole 30.

Conversely my wife is performing amazing in the gym and competition while also getting the benefits of reduced body mass (visually), deep sleep, mental clarity, and being highly productive with less stress. For her though the first two weeks were very challenging. I'll take on after picture at day 30 in three days and am curious to see if I look better, worse, or the same. I am looking forward to a sweet indulgence at the end of the 30 days I won't lie. Thanks for reading and allowing me to share my experience. Will post again at day 30

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Posting at day 29 as encouraged by The Whole Daily.

"After Action Report"

What went well?

Sleeping better, way better!

Less stress and more productivity

Mental clarity, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity are all improved noticeably

I followed the plan without variance

I managed to drink coffee black or with a splash of coconut or almond milk only (big change)

I managed to stay away from artificial sweeteners in drinks and food (big win)

Went to a pie party and stayed away from the indulgences yet had a great time (I love pie)

What could've gone better?

Eating more veggies

Eating less fruit

Eating less almond butter

Hydrating better (drinking more throughout the day)

More food variety

Less snacking possibly (I like to eat many small meals throughout the day rather than the suggested 3 larger meals)

Stomach upset quite often

What will I do in the future to keep doing better?

Less of the things that didn't go well I suppose

I might try a no fruit Whole 7 (to test)

I need to find a Whole 30 approved water flavor enhancement... suggestions?

Add a cardio fitness plan in addition to just the dietary plan (cycling, running, rowing) with a distance goal.

Overall a great experience that I would recommend highly :)

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We made today is day 30 for our 1st Whole 30 Challenge.

It was pretty awesome. Unfortunately both of us had a cold and flu for a good part of the challenge so it made our exercise a little less than it would've been otherwise.

We'll be doing this again soon. Here's the before and after pic collage :)


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