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Katey's first Whole30

Katey Dager

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Day 20 (already?? Feels like no time at all!)

Meal 1: two slices of bacon, 1 egg, roasted cabbage

Meal 2: Salmon, roasted eggplant, banana

Meal 3: Steak, asparagus, portobello, strawberries

Snacks: clementine, coconut water (still sick, and I felt really dehydrated today and lightheaded at some points, so this helped. About 8 oz).

I don't think I got enough fat today. I used copious amounts of cooking fat on everything but I'm not sure if it was enough. I wasn't all that hungry between meals, but I did feel lightheaded, which was quickly remedied when I ate. I definitely had enough protein and vegetables, so if I'm lacking anything, it's fat. BUT I am still sick, so there's the possibility that the lightheadedness was either sinus stuff or fever (my thermometer broke so I was unable to take my temperature, but the very scientific method of feeling my forehead implied a possible fever). In any case, I think I will be adding a little more fat to my meals. if I can't figure out a way to incorporate it I will have to have some nuts or something along with my meals.

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Day 21:

I woke up way too late. I need to start setting an alarm on weekends.

Meal 1: Leftover salmon, leftover asparagus, an egg, roasted carrots.

Meal 2: A sort of cottage pie. Filling made with leftover steak, onions, garlic, carrots, and a chopped portabella mushroom. Topping was a white sweet potato mashed with about a tbs of ghee and an egg.

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Day 23:

Meal 1: ground beef with onions and garlic, strawberries

Meal 2: ground beef with onions and garlic, roasted zucchini

Meal 3: Chicken leg quarter baked with lots of ghee (so golden and delicious this way), roasted carrots.

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Day 24:

Meal 1: hash of zucchini, yellow squash and bacon topped with a fried egg

Meal 2: Overestimated the time I had for lunch so I tried cooking chicken. Unfortunately the moment it was done I had to wrap it up, put it in the fridge, and go out the door. My "lunch" was a portabello mushroom, a few nuts, and a clementine.

Meal 3: the aforementioned chicken. I tried cooking some Kabocha squash fries, but I severely overcooked them and they were completely dried out and inedible. Very disappointing. I really need to go grocery shopping but I will definitely eat something else shortly. I'm working on final papers so food hasn't been my first priority.

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Falling behind on my logging because of school!

Day 25 I definitely ate some chicken....some sausage. Cabbage. Sweet potato. Don't remember the order or the form it all took. oops.

Day 26:

Meal 1: Bacon, fried egg, roasted sweet potato

Meal 2: green bell pepper stuffed with ground lamb, onion, garlic mixture.

Meal 3: is currently cooking. Braised beef shanks with tons of garlic and fresh thyme. I will be making asparagus to go with it.

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I keep forgetting to log! I think finals are a good excuse.

Day 27:

Meal 1: I think I just had a larabar. I had to wake up really early for a test, and I was very nervous. Both of these affected my stomach so I couldn't eat anything substantial.

Meal 2: Alec took me out to lunch to celebrate finishing my exam! I hope the grade is worth celebrating. I had kalua pork with cabbage.

Meal 3: We went to Alec's parents' house and had a meal cooked by his dad. Lamb shanks, roasted vegetables (mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini, tomato with tons of fresh herbs), salad, and strawberries.

Day 28:

Meal 1: Chicken leg quarter baked with ghee, roasted zucchini and carrots.

Snack: olives. I was out and it was the only small thing I could find that was compliant.

Meal 2: Huge cabbage salad and tons of sashimi at a Japanese restaurant. Two clementines when I got home

Today's day 29! Only two days to go, but I don't feel like I'm racing toward the finish line or anything. I've been enjoying my food a lot and haven't even missed my favorites like cheese, butter, and peanuts all that much.

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It's Day 31 so I'm going to wrap up!

I weighed and measured myself today. I didn't feel like I was losing any weight, but perhaps that was because I lacked any sensation of deprivation or hunger. Also, I was on low carb for a year so sweet potatoes and fruit feel like something that will immediately cause me to become a fat whale, and I had to realize that they are in fact healthy--they are just not conducive to certain weight-loss plans. In any case, I wasn't getting my hopes up. I do have quite a bit of weight to lose but I didn't seek out the Whole30 as a weight loss program. I started it because I was feeling sick and tired all the time, and I wanted something to improve my health. Additionally, I have never had a very good relationship with food. Now, the Whole30 is not a miracle cure. I did get a cold and have some stomach issues during it, and my relationship with food is not completely fixed. But I feel better overall. Now onto the numbers:

During my Whole30, I lost 5 pounds.

I lost 1 inch off my waist and 2 inches off my hips.

The meal template is something I will consider in the future, even if I don't always stick to Whole30-compliant foods within it. It has been very helpful. I feel like this is a diet (using it in the sense of "what one eats" rather than "a meal plan used for a short time to lose weight") that I could continue for quite some time, perhaps forever, with only a few modifications.

Today I will be reintroducing dairy. I hope it goes well, as cheese is one of the few things I missed during my 30 days.

I'm not sure what I will try next, but things that I can be sure I am not reintroducing are rice (I don't like it), bread (I already know it makes me bloated, but I will probably still eat it on special occasions. There is not a "normal day" on which I would eat bread and otherwise paleo so I will not be reintroducing it in the normal manner), noodles (pretty much the same situation as bread).

I may be starting a new log soon. Thanks for all your help, people of the Whole9 forums!

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