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First Whole30 - From Day One


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I hope you slept well! i have noticed that the raspberries and strawberries i have had taste much sweeter than i used to think of them as tasting...a lot of foods are seeming more flavorful than i used to notice them being. i am allowing myself a little fruit every 2-3 days, but trying to stick mostly to berries or adding a date or two into something (like trying a date in my bullet proof coffee yesterday...it was ok, but i think sticking to black coffee or bullet proof coffee without the date works better)...so glad to see your progress. don't feel bad about missing time in gym, you still got plenty of exercise and had fun doing so...i personally prefer going for walks and playing and dancing to going into a stinky gym and sweating with a bunch of other people who are just going through the motions...playing and walking are fabulous exercise.

oh, and i want to start a business, but have also considered going back to school and one of the things i've been considering studying is to become a personal trainer (kind of funny given how out of shape i currently am)...not sure if i'll do it or not, because i want to start my own arts/crafts business far more than get into personal training, but who's to say i can't do both esp. with all the energy i'm gaining from w30.

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Nice! I could totally see you as personal trainer - I think the best teachers are ones who gain knowledge through experience. You have a lot to share! And you're very attentive and encouraging towards others, that is great quality for a personal trainer!!! :) Let me know how it goes!

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Day Thirteen!

Can't believe tomorrow marks two weeks of Whole30! I can't believe how far I've come in such a short amount of time! Imagine what could happen in a full month! Anyway, here is a quick recap of the day:

Woke up a bit later than usual, and I plan on doing that tomorrow because I have been worn out from these fun days. Anyway, I made a quick breakfast of one egg and the remainder of the chicken zoodle soup, and then I hit the trails. Easiest time yet. I felt so strong and empowered! And I spent a good 2:30 hours outside just enjoying the day. Skipped lunch accidentally but managed an apple. My third time eating fruit! :blink: Crazy what a luxury fruit has become.

I drove home to my parents house for a couple of reasons but I was scared I would be tempted, but nope. I came straight into kitchen, whipped up my first ever batch of cauliflower mash - for a southern girl, these were alright but no where near the real thing - and some broiled zucchini while my dad made some chicken quarters on his Big Green Egg. I watched over his shoulder as he prepared mine for optimal health benefits. (NO BQQ or fake seasonings) Delicious dinner!! Also, I played a little bball with my little brother. Overall, a relaxing day. Excited to begin Week 3 tomorrow!

Night y'all!

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Day Fourteen!

Man this time change is a bit of a doozy... but I still managed to wake up feeling well rested even though I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. Excited for my second week, because things go a bit more smoothly from here on out :) Whole30 is seriously such an excellent program... it has kept me on track so well... the thought of cheating has me scared out of my mind. I won't even steal one fry off my boyfriend's plate (fries are one of my top 3 favorite foods). And yesterday, my sister bought a bag of chocolate covered pretzels, holy shnizz..... and I held one in my hand contemplating it's beauty - so firm, it smells so sweet.... but I still didn't even taste it. Go me.

When I was putting my clothes on this morning and doing my hair for church, I looked in the mirror and realized that I haven't comfortably worn this shirt in almost eight months. I looked at my face and it looked like a different person - my jaw line was coming into focus. My eyes were bright and less burdened. I feel beautiful. And today is a glorious day. I've got exactly two weeks and a day left of my Whole30, and I can't wait for what's in store!

By the way - breakfast was leftover chicken and cauliflower mash. :)

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i love it! Cheers to re-finding jawline definition! (i can't wait to have my old jawline and cheekbones back...i haven't seen them in close to 20 years and so far the cheekbones are all that has started coming back, but i know that if i keep it up my jawline will return as well).

also, great job resisting temptations!

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Can't believe I reached the halfway mark of my first Whole30! Just 15 days from now I will have completed the first thirty days of the rest of my life. The positives are really starting to reveal themselves now. I have definitely have a LOT more energy... compared to my energy levels before, it is drastic. I am sleeping through the night, though it is awkward trying to find a good time to go to sleep that allows me nine hours (college student). Cravings are manageable, food is tasty, and my body grows more into its revitalized form everyday. I am so thankful for this experience, and I can't wait to finish off the next 15 days.

I didn't log last night because I got home around 10pm, and I needed to sleep as soon as possible. The stress of needing to fall asleep so fast kinda backfired, and I was tossing and turning more than usual. But anyway, I reported in the morning before the day began - and the rest of the day was lovely and interesting. My mother and father made burgers for lunch, so I picked up some grassfed beef, some mushrooms, onions, mustard, iceberg lettuce, and my first ever homemade mayo - and I enjoyed a burger with them as well. BTW - my mayo turned out alright as far as consistency I guess. Wish it was fluffier - but is it supposed to taste really olive oily? I used extra light oo, but it tastes like straight oil to me.

Anyway, lunch kept me pretty full so around dinnerish time I ate a little chicken thigh, and like seven almonds. I was good to go the rest of the day. Decided I would go ride my beautiful bike.... but the tires were flat. I went and bought a bike pump, and when I tried to pump the tires, the piece on the tire broke off. So frustrating... brand new bike (last year) that has barely been ridden. I am going to try to get it fixed this week if I have any time at all.

I also spent alot of the day outside running with my dogs, playing ball with my siblings, and just walking around. It was a great day! :)

NOW THIS MORNING - rough so far. Man, this time change is getting me bad. I suppose it'll take a few days or a week to even out, but I fell asleep anywhere from 10:30-11pm and woke up at 6:07 - but put my alarm back until 7am cause I was so unbelievably sleepy. My Sleep Cycle app said I only slept seven hours which is a recipe for a horrible day. Ha. And it is still dark outside even now... that's bothersome. But, just because I had a bit of rough morning adjusting doesn't mean this can't be an amazing day! Let's go face it everyone!

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Congrats on making it to the halfway point! Sounds like you're having a great Whole30. I had that same issue with mayo the first time I made it: tasted like straight up olive oil. I made some last week that was pretty good, but I did add some hot sauce to it :P Still...

Have a great day and hope you catch up on sleep soon :)

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Today was half and half - mostly because I was BEYOND sleepy during work today. That time change problem again... haha. Anyway, I skipped my meeting to relax at home and prepare for sleep. Which I am about to go enjoy :)

Anyway, food was pretty bad too... basically meals thrown together quickly, and I hardly had any veggies. Sad day. For breakfast I had a single, little gf beef burger patty with a bit of mustard on top and an apple (I am sneaking more fruit in, need to hold up on that) and for lunch I had tuna salads with my mayo (ayyyyyyyyyyyy) over romaine with some chopped red bell peppers. (OMG these are sweet - like sickly sweet) And for dinner, I had a few bites of pepper, a bit of chicken and some tuna salad. Not a good week for me... I have work everyday, my internship, and school.... feeling a little overwhelmed. But Imma make it through :)

Alright yall, I am tired. See ya later.

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Good morning everyone - today is day 16!

Still adjusting to time... it is interesting that Sleep Cycle app said that while this was the longest stretch I've been in bed - over 10hrs! (Doesn't mean I slept 10hrs) I had the worst sleep quality compared to my last five nights. That's interesting.... when I woke up at 6:17 when my alarm went off, I couldn't do it. And I ended up pushing the alarm back and back until I finally crawled out of bed at 7:30am. Why was I so tired? Hm... no idea.

Anyway, now that I am awake I feel great. Again, I feel incredibly optimistic. Honestly, not having the scale in my life has been both freeing but also frustrating - I want to know how much weight I have been losing!! Haha. It is so hard to go without it. My work pants which I bought at my heaviest, are getting too big to wear. They serious have been close to falling off. They were a bit big to begin with, but it is encouraging to say the least :)

I have been thinking about my life and my health and the daunting challenge of lifestyle change. I am faced with the realization that I am 22 years old - I am young and about to graduate college and there is freedom for me to have adventure. And I have a whole life to live. There are places to go, races to run, new activities and clothes to try... and it is all beautiful. And I KNOW that through hard work, commitment, difficult challenges, but totally doable life change I could achieve that probably within the next year of my life. YET I am also faced with another road I could take once this is over, the road I have always chosen. The road that says, "You've been trekking for so long, here... eat some icecream... you deserve it." And eventually the old lifestyle creeps back in, and I remain in this same predicament. This life is good too in many ways, though a facade. Food is delicious. Laziness is awesome in its own way. It had its temptations.

BUT I HAVE THE CHOICE. It is up to me which road I choose to take. Am I going to fall in, yet again, to the false promises of deliciously sinful foods and the constant caress of the couch... or am I going to take a risk, and no matter how long it takes or no matter how many difficult decisions I make or no matter how much I sweat, to reach the goal of physical, mental, and emotional freedom?

We'll find out. But right about now, I am thinking option number two.

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So, yesterday was not fun. I didn't make a log last night because I was very ill. I had a relatively peaceful, quick day at work, and when I got home, I went to REI to have my bike fixed and serviced... and when I was driving home I began to feel a little nauseous. When I got home I made one more batch of tuna salad (I shudder thinking about it now) and I just watched one of my favorite movies. Around 8pm, I went to the bathroom and took a long bath and read a little bit, and went into my room around 8:30, at which point I became so nauseous, I thought I might get sick. I put some peppermint oil on my tummy and on my temples and just assumed it would pass.

I woke up at 11pm, and my stomach hurt so bad I couldn't sleep. I sat up in my bed, put my PJ pants on, and hardly had enough time to run to the bathroom before I became sick. Afterwords, I felt sooo much better. But as I laid back in my bed, I couldn't help but wonder what on God's green earth caused that?!? I slept alright the rest of the night, but I was so tired I woke up around 9:30!!! Oh my gosh... and I am still tired right now. Honestly, I haven't been feeling the magic yet... I have been feeling the sleepy at 3pm feeling each day though. I wonder if I am doing something wrong? I don't think so because I am doing what I have always been doing while eating Paleo... except better... maybe my body is still trying to adjust itself. Who knows?

But anyway, breakfast yesterday was two eggs, romaine salad, and green peppers. Lunch was tuna, romaine, green peppers and carrots, and dinner was gone within two hours. Ha.

Blahhhh... :wacko: another bump in the road. And I have my first day of my new job this afternoon!

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I had tummy issues the rest of yesterday, and it prevented me from eating breakfast. But by lunch I was starving, so I ended up going to Longhorn with my sister, and I got a steak and some steamed veggies with nothing on them. I had to go to work right after and didn't eat anything else for the day. Yesterday was not that great cause I was sick, but hoping today is a better day!

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I missed the last two days. Oh no! :( That's okay... cause I am kinda embarrassed to share what happened the past two days.

I just haven't been able to plan my meals all week between going back and forth between Atlanta and home and working every single day. Blah...

So day 18 & 19 - fail!

So day 18 I ate chiptole twice, once for lunch and once for dinner -carnitas. gauc. pico. skip the rice, beans, cheese, cream, fajita veggies.

And for today - I literally had two handfuls of cashews and a Larabar out of desperation. And then finally around 8:30 after work I had two burger patties. But I am too tired to make veggies. Or log... which is why this is going to be a bad one.

Anyway, 10 days left and this life change of a new job has been hard for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today is Day 31 of my first Whole30!

I would say that I failed in many aspects towards the end... I didn't log any more, and I became overwhelmed with life changes and new jobs, but I still consider my Whole30 a success for several reasons.

I wanted to post a before picture, I didn't really take one, but here is a picture of me during my first week of Whole30:


I weighed about 222-224 pounds when I started Whole30. I was tired all of the time and food was a comfort.


This was an after picture I took with my new haircut :) At 201 pounds! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

That is a 20+ weight loss! In a month!!!!!

I am going to do another Whole30 this upcoming April, I have been having some dairy this week. I have never had issues with dairy nor did I eat much of it to begin with. But I am excited to keep going and take back my health! Thank you Whole30!

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