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Simone's First W30 march 2013


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ok...so i start March 1st. 1 more day to go and i'm excited.

my kids are getting used to the idea that they'll be eating the same as me at least most of the time. they are 5 year old twin boys who i will probably mention often. i am very overweight and have asthma, acid reflux, seasonal allergies, issues with moods/occasional bouts of depression, low energy and inflamed gums, due to stress on top of it all (oh, did i forget to mention diabetes runs in my family, my mom has it, my cousin who is only 8 years older than me was diagnosed with it a few years ago and my grandpa died of diabetes related complications...i myself am pre-diabetic, but am high risk for getting it)...i am so ready to change and have energy to play with my kids and to dance again...i've always loved dancing and used to do it all the time, but low self esteem due to my weight and the low energy levels have kept me from doing it as much as i want to in the last decade or so.

I'm planning on taking a very holistic approach and not only work at the eating changes, but also making time for meditation and reflection daily and increasing my activity level. Let's rock this W30!

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ok...so i weighed and measured myself this morning before my breakfast.

weight 238lbs

breast/chest-48 3/4 inches

upper abs- 41 1/4 inches

waist - 42 1/4 "

lower abs - 47"

hips- 46 3/4"

upper arms- 16 1/4"

thighs - 28 1/2"

i started my morning off with black coffee with a teaspoon of coconut oil, roasted sweet potatoes and eggs fried over easy in coconut oil (i'd like to add that i thought i'd really miss the sugar and dairy in my morning coffee, but i don't at this point)...feeling great so far. now time to get the kids off to school!

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Go, simonec! I'm on Day 25, and I've suffered from several of the things you list. And I AM diabetic. When I first found out about Whole30, I was so ready for something that would work that I jumped right into it the next day, without any real preparation (no groceries). The commitment is 90% of the battle. Once that's established, you'll do what it takes to stay compliant and get healthy. And then after a few days of doin' what it takes, you'll start to get creative and enjoy it.

Welcome, and best wishes!

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Yay! I am so glad you are here. I am really excited for you! I am only on day 5, but I am glad to see some new people here as well... I hope we can inspire each other and encourage each other to take control of our health -- and dance again!

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ok...so today i spent 20 minutes spinning poi/attempting to poi dance and did some house cleaning. here's the food breakdown...

breakfast- roasted sweet potatoes and 3 fried eggs, 2 cups of black coffee each with a spoon of coconut oil

lunch- sauted red pepper and zucchini with sea scallops and herbs over a bed of baby spinach with some cubed

avocado and a squeeze of lemon. (this was awesome, but i was hungry by 3:30 or 4:00)

dinner- chicken and spinach in coconut curry sauce (coconut milk and curry and a little salt)

and a little bit of sweet potatoes left from the morning...i wasn't terribly thrilled with how my curry came out...i

love curry, but i found myself wishing i had stuck with what i had initially intended on doing, rather than trying to

incorporate the chicken and curry into coconut milk (which i did to increase the fat).- the kids did like it, though.

i also had kombucha (home brewed) and water

i am definitely going to have to tweak and get used to things...i may re-read the meal planning guide to help me figure out some ideas, since lunch didn't tide me over long enough and dinner needed some tweaking. i think i'm really going to have to think about how to get enough fat and protein...i read about someone having salmon and now i'm thinking i want salmon tomorrow...i haven't had it in a while and i happen to have a can (only ingredients in it are salmon and salt, so yay!) and i will be thawing some grass fed beef for dinner...now i think i'll start getting the kids ready for bed, so that i can have a few minutes to meditate before going to bed, myself.

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oh, and while i have no problem sitting at the table and eating while the kids are home, i had to keep reminding myself at lunch time that i didn't need to check facebook until i finished eating and purposefully, faced my back towards the computer after finding myself gravitating over to check something, with fork in hand...didn't realize what a habit i had of eating at the computer when i don't have the kids to sit at the table with.

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I still have a bad habit of eating at the computer, so I understand. I do very well with breakfast, but I'll have to be more disciplined with the rest of the meals. Of course the great benefit of NOT being at the computer is that you slow down and actually taste the food!

You're doing great so far, Simone. Good job!

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thank you, martihana!

i had a hard time with sleep last night, not falling asleep, but getting back to sleep after i woke up at 2 am, for no apparent reason, except for that my mind decided to gravitate to what i should make for breakfast, lunch and dinner and the next thing you know i'm reflecting on some things i love, very healthy meals i used to eat, yet haven't made for myself in a long time...and realizing that there was absolutely no reason why i hadn't been making my favorite steak topped salad or my yummy chicken and squash soup (well, other than that i haven't seen the kind of squash i prefer for the soup since i moved back up here from FL and butternut didn't do the trick in that recipe, so i may need to try others)...i did finally fall back to sleep at 4:30 (i had originally planned to be waking up around 4:30 or 5:00, because i love waking up early and puttering around the house before the kids get up, even though we enjoy our morning snuggle time a lot). i think i ended up with a total of about 7 to 7 and 1/2 hours of sleep.

i got a phone call from my dad early this morning saying "would two little boys like to come to work with papa and go for a hike?" so the kids went off hiking with him after having a quick breakfast and i sat down and enjoyed my black coffee, scrambled eggs, broccoli, strawberries and almonds...the strawberries seemed like such a treat and i remember thinking strawberries were tart and needed sugar for most of my life, but maybe the black coffee, or the fact that they were organic made them taste so sweet that i can't imagine how sickly sweet sugar would have made them taste. i am actually really starting to enjoy the taste of black coffee...it's not even really good coffee,but i'd love to try some of the really good stuff black, if it's ever in my budget.

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i figured i'd drop in and log my lunch...the kids are home and are great at distracting me and getting me boggle headed...right now, one of them is curled up napping on my lap...that hike with papa wiped him out, they found lots of cool treasures(stinky sea sponge, driftwood, a fishing lure, pine cones and more feathers for the dream catchers that i am making them), though. the other one is making a blanket fort in the living room and i wouldn't be surprised if he fell asleep in there shortly.

so lunch was a salad of baby spinach, grape tomatoes, 1/2 can of salmon, some nori that i sauteed in coconut oil and spices and a tiny bit of ACV...not the most exciting or tasty, but certainly better than dinner was last night and one of the kids loved it the other one opted for boiled egg and grape tomatoes and a handful of almonds.

i'm running low on eggs...good thing my mom plans on taking me for a quick shop tomorrow (my usual grocery shopping day is tuesday which is when i will really get to re-stock).

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ok...dinner tonight was awesome! i didn't have kale to make the kids' favorite "creamy Kale", so i made the cashew and herb sauce that i normally blend with kale to make it and poured it over broccoli...mixed reviews from the kids...one said "i like broccoli plain and Kale in this sauce, where's my kale?" the other nibbled the "leaves" off of the broccoli and then licked/sucked the sauce off of the stems and licked the plate, but wouldn't eat the stems...oh well. i also made steak and sauteed onions. i realized i don't usually say what i use to saute....most of the time it's coconut oil, but i clarified some grass fed butter earlier and used that for the steak and onions. i baked a sweet potato earlier, thinking i'd be so starving because i was extremely hungry and tired before i started cooking, but i ended up not eating that...it'll probably become part of breakfast tomorrow. so tired that i think i'll read the kids a story and crash early, myself tonight.

one of my sons is fascinated with the fact that i measured myself yesterday so has a piece of paper and pen and my measure tape saying "mommy how much is my foot?how much is my belly?" i figure he's learning about numbers and practicing writing and learning to measure, and since he needs help in school for having poor hand eye coordination and a hard time writing or using scissors that it's good practice for him (it's funny that he has a hard time with these things, yet is so interested in science and inventing and how everything works, but my dad had the same problems and is practically a genius). this son also showed me a picture he drew in school yesterday...it's a picture of me and i'm in the kitchen...the refrigerator is behind me and he even drew the magnets and papers that i have on it...i'm smiling and have a pony tail and am wearing a skirt ...he even drew circles to indicate my "boobies" and i'm purple, which happens to be one of my absolute favorite colors. what's really funny is that i rarely wear skirts these day, esp. not short ones, i own several, but most of them are at least a size or so too small..and i hate showing my knees and legs, yet i love skirts so much...it's just that i saw a picture of me in a knee length skirt and i was sitting down in the pic and my knees looked huge (and i was 2 or 3 sizes smaller than i am now) so i've pretty much avoided them when possible since. it's funny that kids don't see the flaws in us that we see in ourselves...i know mine will see an outfit that they think is beautiful and tell me "oh, mom you need this, you'd look sexy in this"...i always feel like say "no, i'd look like a beached whale in that, honey" but i don't i usually just tell them that it's not my size or something of that sort. anyway, i can tell i'm tired...i'm starting to ramble on and on...good night!

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slept well, got over 9 hours of sleep, but woke up with achy shoulders and back...feeling a little better, now, but my back definitely is a little achy.

one of my boys had a temper tantrum this morning because i won't buy him cereal or bread. anyway...brewing some coffee and about to heat up the last of last night's broccoli and cashew sauce and my sweet potato and make some eggs for breakfast.

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ok...so i decided to make a new improved version of my old recipe for chicken squash soup (i created it in FL and originally it was made with skinless, boneless chicken breasts, some awesome squash(not sure what kind, but haven't found it up north), onions, jamaican all spice, a hint of curry powder, 1 scotch bonnet pepper and vegetable broth- new version is chicken bone broth and whatever squash i have around and i added my half sweet potato, which made the butternut i used work much better than my last attempt, i only had a dried serrano chili not a fresh scotch bonnet, so used a little of that and i used the various pieces of meat left from the chicken that i used to make the bone broth, i also added a little celery..it wasn't as spicy as the original, but the kids approved and so do i). i had 3 organic strawberries left and had them with a small handful of almonds on the side.

well, i'm off to do a load of laundry and wash some dishes and sweep the kitchen and clean the mess that has developed on my kitchen table. (hoping the kids actually listen and put the toys that are all over my living room back upstairs in their room).

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my sister and i made a trip to the grocery store...they didn't have the awesome local farm fresh eggs that i had gotten there last week, but i did manage to find some organic eggs and got grass fed beef and chicken and some olives and veggies and fruit and almonds for the kids to snack on.

i was really tempted to weigh myself today, but resisted the temptation.

dinner was chicken and asparagus and olives...i think a tomato sauce would have gone nicely, but didn't think of that until after the fact. i don't think i drank enough water today...not that i'm doing all that bad, but i just feel like maybe i should have drunk a bit more. Anyway, i'm going to slice a cucumber and take a few mint leaves and a lemon and put them together in a large container of water in the fridge...having the hint of flavor makes the water seem more refreshing and i seem more likely to drink it.

tomorrow i have my niece here...i am actually taking care of her 3 days this week, but i usually have her here 2 days and sometimes a few hours on saturday. she usually only likes to eat cereal and toast and chicken nuggets, but is getting used to her options here being egg, fruit, avocado, nuts, seeds and chicken breast (she still won't eat much for veggies, except for the occasional servings of peas or broccoli and won't touch fish or red meat), my sister says that she wishes her sons would eat half the healthy stuff her daughter has been asking for lately, so i guess it's sticking.

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ok...so breakfast today was awesome! i just made an omelet...2 eggs, some left over chicken, some leftover asparagus, a few sliced grape tomatoes, then i folded the eggs over it omelet style..and .don't even miss the cheese.i also made bullet proof coffee...man, i didn't expect the coconut oil to emulsify into the coffee so quickly, but this Rocks and i think would rival any coffee house capaccino. still loving the coffee without having to add anything, but the coconut oil makes it feel a bit more sophisticated and fancy (reminds me of times before having kids that i spent hanging out in coffee houses with friends)...hehe.

anyway i got about 7 and 1/2 to 8 hrs sleep last night...had a tough time falling asleep at first (i had a burst of energy right around bed time), and i woke up achy again...thinking it could be a symptom of toxins leaving my body or just that i was sleeping in a weird position.oh, also had some really strange food dreams (i specifically remember waking up thinking "armadillo cheese cake??? that's really screwed up!!" then craving a candy bar...not even thinking about giving in to that (besides, my bullet proof coffee seems to be helping keep those cravings at bay).

anyway...i'm off to get 2 little boys off to school with their healthy snacks and my niece will be here in a about an hour.

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I love this! I am so glad healthy living is contagious :) Way to go! And you know, the person that got me into living Paleo a couple years ago has two children that aside from breastmilk, have been eating dairy free and gluten free for most of their lives -- and they are 4 and 2, and neither of them have been sick or have had to go to the doctor except for check ups. They are healthy, intelligent, and full of energy! I am sure it feels amazing knowing you are caring for your children in such a wonderful way.

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I love this! I am so glad healthy living is contagious :) Way to go! And you know, the person that got me into living Paleo a couple years ago has two children that aside from breastmilk, have been eating dairy free and gluten free for most of their lives -- and they are 4 and 2, and neither of them have been sick or have had to go to the doctor except for check ups. They are healthy, intelligent, and full of energy! I am sure it feels amazing knowing you are caring for your children in such a wonderful way.

that is so awesome! i have been eating relatively healthy for a long time and my kids didn't have to go to the dr. for sick visits until they were about 3 years old, but i also haven't been as strict about healthy eating as i am becoming. today, i am taking one of my boys to the dr for possible strep...yuck! but i told him that maybe we need to start making the way we eat at home the way we eat all of the time, to help make us more healthy and less likely to get sick (that's one way to get them on board more fully). i do love seeing my little guys and my niece asking for apples and carrots and bananas and nuts and berries for snacks rather than reaching for the kinds of processed food crap my nephews eat...if we could just get the 8 and 12 year olds on board i know my sister would follow suit.

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AAAACK! i looked in the mirror at the dr's office (maybe it's extra unnerving , because the mirror just seems to show my things up to breast area when i'm standing next to the table that my son sits on...i hate that mirror! But also AAACK because my little dude has strep...i have sinus issues myself but mostly sinuses draining, i have to keep an eye on myself and his brother and hope we don't all get it.

lunch- chicken and squash soup, a handful of almonds and a few organic strawberries (they were still on sale, when i went shopping yesterday so i picked some up).

i'm thinking of trying to find some good things to make the kids' meals more portable so that they can eat W30 while in school.

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wow! so plenty of energy, though i am starting to get a little tired after having a busy day...going to do the dinner dishes before bed so that i'm not all annoyed with myself in the morning, like i am most mornings that i don't do them the night before, then have my story and snuggle time with my kids then a little meditation time to myself before going to sleep nice and early.

so dinner tonight i made a "fajita salad" (sauteed chicken, peppers and onion with some fajita type seasonings and put them on a bed of romaine and topped with a pile of home made guacamole ) this dinner SO ROCKED! i think i'll be making this one again. (mixed reviews from the kids one loved it and the other one said "it's too spicy"...sometimes i wonder how i ended up with a kid who doesn't like spicy stuff)

anyway...hoping i don't have anymore strange dreams with odd fabricated foods and still resisting the urge to check my weight...i feel lighter and more energetic, that should be enough for me at the moment.

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alright...breakfast was 2 cups of bullet proof coffee and scrambled eggs a couple chopped up grape tomatoes and a heaping pile of homemade guacamole....now i have to take trash out and get the 1 kid who can go to school off on the bus, and the other one will hang out with me until he is feeling better/no longer contagious...i have to finish cleaning the kitchen (my uncle will be over later) and then i have grocery shopping and laundry to do , but somewhere in there i have to manage to get a shower...yesterday i missed getting one with all the sick kid stuff and i feel grungy today...yuck!

oh, i slept 9 hours last night and work up with no pain today, i even got in a good 20 minute meditation before bed, last night....i feel pretty much like i could take on the world about now.

ok...i've never been a smoker and don't like the smell, but i've been noticing the stink from my neighbors who smoke constantly (or so it seems), right next to my back patio (grrrr) is even more stinky and annoying the last 2 days...not sure if it's just that i'm more sensitive to it right now, or if they have a friend or some friends visiting so seem to be smoking more...AACK! i wish i could escape their stinky smoke! (i started buying more house plants to act as natural air filters against their cigarette smoke, but i think i need a whole wall of plants).

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Ok...i feel pretty rockin' about now...energy level is good. had a quick lunch...big salad, avocado and chicken. was hungry about 2:30 after grocery shopping and lugging groceries up to the house, so grabbed a handful of cashews. dinner is in the oven, making salmon and broccoli tonight.i'm going to do a few minutes of poi spinning while it cooks.

i loaded up on meats and veggies and picked up some fruit (no strawberries, since there weren't any organic ones...must have sold out). they haven't gotten in the grass fed lamb yet (but the last few years they have carried it in march/april at this grocery store so i'm keeping my eyes peeled). Spring is in the air...WOo-Hoo!

(ok off to spin some poi)

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oh...very tempted to weigh today...not doing it, pants are fitting looser and i'm feeling good and lighter and my energy level is much better than it has been for a loooooong time (like since before having kids). the hint of flavor in the water helps me drink a little more of it...have been having less of the extra bathroom trips today (down to about 3 of #2 after 2 or 3 days of going 5 or 6 times a day oddly, i don't seem to be peeing more than normal at all even with drinking a little more water than i'm used to). sinuses have been draining since yesterday morning.

it's nearly time to put the kids to bed and i feel as if i could dance through the night...hope i fall asleep ok. then i can dance while taking care of my niece and cleaning the house tomorrow (gotta fold laundry and start cleaning out the front storage room (it's going to be my art studio/office/crafting space...if i want to start a business designating a space for it will be essential and that room is full of boxes of stuff that needs sorting through, bags of clothes i meant to donate and who knows what else so this could take me quite a while)).

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ok... so was woken up at 2 am with a little boy who had wet himself...great! i did still manage to get just about 8 hours of sleep, though, YAY! i really didn't have any trouble falling asleep or getting back to sleep. i wasn't all that hungry this morning so i started off with a little left over broccoli and 2 fried eggs and a little hot sauce with a couple chunks of cantaloupe and a few organic raspberries and my 2 mugs of bullet proof coffee.

i'm going to bottle some kombucha and brew some more today and make chocolate chili, also checking for good whole30 recipes for beef short ribs...i thought i saw one somewhere, if not i'll just freeze the short ribs for post whole30 and just find a paleo recipe for those. the kids keep asking about healthy versions of baked goods and i told them that we can't have any for at least a few weeks. doing fairly awesome right now...a little tired, but when the kids are done watching their movie i'll put on some good music and that'll help up my energy and i'll be cleaning and dancing all over the place...i figure i'll use the slower energy spot i'm in for this update and putting together my chocolate chili and searching for that short rib recipe and starting the tea for my kombucha...when my energy perks up i'll get to the higher energy stuff (like cleaning, dancing and re-organizing my house).

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short ribs went into the freezer...i had 2 recipes that i wasn't sure i really wanted to do...i suppose the ingredients were compliant, but i felt like i really want to keep certain foods to a minimum (already afraid i eat a bit more fruit than i should be)...started getting my tea for my kombucha ready...letting it cool so that i can bottle the stuff in my cabinet and start a new batch. i'm going to start cooking the chili around 2:30 to 3:00 ish so that i have time to get it started before going to the bus to pick up the little dude who went to school, the other one is playing quietly in the living room. i think i'll make some turkey "sausage" patties to have on hand for the next few days.

for lunch i ate the last of my chicken and squash soup and a handful of almonds.

haven't put the good music on. hoping it'll get me up and increase my energy..feeling a little tired, but it's cold and windy and cloudy outside, so that doesn't help...i just have to keep remember spring is on it's way, it's supposed to be sunny by the beginning of next week and warmer as well (or so i hope). ok...off to put some good music on and get some dishes done and sweep the kitchen, again and start on re-organizing the living room and storage room and start the chili cooking.

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