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Today is Day 5


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I am only on day 5, but things seem to be going okay. I am however tired of eggs for breakfast. I know this is not in the Whole30 spirit but I skipped them this morning and had sweet potato with 2 slices of bacon. I also ran in to a problem at work on Friday which was day 3. It was crazy busy and so I was only able to eat a couple of bites of may salad and later some fruit. Not whole meals by any stretch of the imagination. I really need some ideas of things I can eat quick and on the run between meetings. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I am a bit tired today, but otherwise okay. I actually went out to eat with friends last night and found a couple of items on the menu that worked for me. It was difficult seeing them enjoy their pasta and cheesecake, but I made it!

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Congratulations! I don't know if this would work for you, but I have been taking canned sardines, and then some pre-cooked vegetables (beets and carrots, usually), along with a small handful of nuts, and that tides me over pretty well, though it's not as large a meal as I would like. Cold chicken would be great, as would hard-boiled eggs. Sliced roast beef from the deli if not cured with sugar. You're right, though, without the calorie-dense things you're used to, if you don't get the fat and protein in there you'll soon start to feel like you're starving and won't be able to stay on track. Salads you can put together might work best. Also, laying down the law on crazy busy days (at least with yourself) to say, "I deserve to eat a full meal" will help a lot, probably.

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