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JWLS Whole30 Log


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I have had a few starts and stops with this Whole30 program and decided that I am ready to jump in. I figure a good way to commit to this program is by checking in and logging my food daily so here it goes.

I started my day with quiet time, packing breakfast and lunch for work and 1/2 run with my dog Lucy.

B Egg scramble (stir fry broccoli, cabbage, mushrooms, bell peppers, garlic, onions, zucchini, spinach, and kalamata olives) After the veggies are stir fried I added 3 eggs and scramble.

S Banana w/closed handful of cashews

L Big salad w/spring greens, load of raw veggies, sauer kraut, guacamole, salsa, and vinegar topped with ground beef. Side of roasted veggies, 1/2 sweet potato and some rasberries.

D Free range boneless skinless chicken thighs w/African Smoke seasoning and fried in a little olive oil, brussell sprouts, sweet potato and coconut oil.

Exercise: 1/2 run and strength train

Have a nice day!

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Rise and shine! Today is a brand new day and I am ready. Today I will take a 90 minute bikram yoga class and later on I am taking my nephew to a Horse Festival where there will be fun, horse rides and friends. Notice I did not say food since the food offered is not going to be on my plate today.

One thing I really have going for me is I never give up. I come from a background of addiction and the food is the last to go. When it comes to letting go of addictive food substances I have kicked and screamed along the way. Mostly rebellion. Why do I fight what's good for me? I can tell you that today I give up the fight. When I get in the boxing ring with food I lose every time, so it's time to do something different...stay out of the boxing ring?! I know that when I have sugar or refined carb substances I can sometimes control it and other times I can't and do I want to continue to chances? No. Why? Because I don't feel happy, joyous and free when I eat junk food to put it mildly. When I eat healthy my whole being shines from the inside out and I want that.

Here's my plan for the day:

Snack before workout

Banana w/closed handful of cashews

Meal 1

Stir fried veggie scramble w/3 eggs, cabbage, spinach, garlic, onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, brocolli, olives and a side of roasted acorn squash.

Meal 2

Huge spring green salad w/raw mushrooms, tomatoes, red onion, cucumber, bell pepper, carrots, guacamole, salsa, vinegar, lean hamburger meat. My sides will be 1/2 sweet potato, steamed swiss chard and a serving of rasberries.

Meal 3

? I'm not sure yet, so I will report this later.

Have a nice day!


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I have lots of energy today and I feel good. What a difference a day makes. I think I feel so good because I got a lived right yesterday. I love that I am more present for life when I eat healthy. It is true that it starts with food.

I took 1/2 hour meditation time this morning, put a clean corned beef in the crock pot, then ate my snack and went to the gym to lift weights and I came home and had a nice breakfast with my honey. I just got back a little bit ago from getting a mani/pedi and had lunch. Soon we will head out to my sister's house to eat dinner with the family.

My dinner last night was bison burgers, sweet potato, coconut oil and swiss chard.

Today's plan:

Meal 1

Banana, handful of cashews

Meal 2

Stir fried veggies (mushrooms, garlic, onions, brocolli, spinach, cabbage, kalamata olives, bell peppers and zucchini) topped with a 3 eggs, a little roast beef and a side of acorn squash

Meal 3

Huge salad with spring greens and lot of fresh veggies, sauer kraut, salsa, vinegar, gaucamole, topped with baked chicken, and a side of rasberries

Meal 4

Corned beef, cabbage, sweet potato

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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I am a little stressed at work today but I commit to eating my packed yummy food and dealing with my feelings. I can't wait until 4:30!

I ran this morning with my dog, Lucy for 1/2 hour and I will strength train after work. I love lifting weights.

Meal 1

Lots of stir fried veggies in olive oil and 3 eggs scrambled w/kalamata olives and a side of acorn squash

Meal 2

Banana and closed hand of cashews

Meal 3

Huge salad, avocado, salsa, vinegar, bison burger, acorn squash, leafy greens

Meal 4

Roasted chicken breast, sweet potato, veggies and coconut oil

Have a nice day!

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I am so grateful to be present for life and eating healthy enables me to do that. I feel satisfied with my meals, but not stuffed. Yes, I have had cravings and it hasn't been easy peazy, but manageable. Work is my hardest place to deal with food. Every single week there are 1-2 catered lunches and it's from all types of restaurants and every Friday is an office breakfast that is different every week. This week I will have to deal with lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday and a client dinner on Thursday. I am off on Friday. For the dinner on Thursday it is a buffet dinner show at Toby's Dinner Theatre. I will bring a sweet potato and my own salad dressing. They will serve clean meat and a salad bar so I will eat that only. I will get through this week, but I will be posting because I need support and I need to say my commitments out loud.

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Day 4

Rise and shine! Today is a new day to rejoice and be glad!

Last night I decided to just take it easy after work rather than strength train. I felt it was the right thing to do especially given I am in detox mode. I had already strength trained on Sunday and yesterday I ran ½ hour with my dog so I didn't feel that I had to go work out so I took the day off.

I have had to go to the grocery store 3 times in 3 days because I did not get enough veggies to last the whole week. Hopefully I will get this down to a science because I only like to shop once a week.

Meal 1

Lots of stir fried veggies in olive oil and 3 eggs scrambled w/kalamata olives and a side of acorn squash

Meal 2

Banana and closed hand of cashews

Meal 3

Huge salad, guacamole, salsa, vinegar, leftover roasted chicken and hamburger, a side acorn squash and roasted veggies

Meal 4

Baked pork chops in coconut aminos and seasoned with garlic and onion powder, sweet potato, veggies and coconut oil

My exercise for today was a 45 minute run with my dog, Lucy.

Have an awesome day!

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Stressville USA at work,but I am trying to keep balanced and centered. It doesn't help that there is a huge spread of Q'doba in the kitchen and the smells are permeating the whole office. TYG that is not my food. If I ate that heavy food it would be short term pleasure and long term pain!

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Day 5 B)

Meal 1

Breakfast scramble: Lots of stir fried veggies in olive oil with kalamata olives and 3 eggs and a side of acorn squash (Yum! I don't think I can get tired of this breakfast)

Meal 2

medium banana with closed handful of cashews

Meal 3

Huge spring green salad w/lots of raw veggies, sauer kraut, guacamole, salsa, vinegar and mustard roasted chicken and a side of acorn squash

Meal 4

Mustard roasted chicken, sweet potato, roasted veggies, 1 tbsp coconut oil

I will be back soon! I have to head to work. Make it a great day!

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So today is day 5 and I feel strong and energetic, but a bit depressed, maybe because I would rather be home. It is difficult at work given there is a catered lunch of Honey Baked Ham in the kitchen. I have all my food packed for the day and I am committed. Work has been the hardest place for me to resist when it comes to food.

I have stayed off the scale for 5 days now. This morning I felt a strong urge to jump on the scale, but I didn't. I am going to try not to jump on the scale for all 30 days. Prior to 5 days ago I used to weigh myself every single day and I just hated how the scale affected my mood so much. Down/happy, up/depressed. I hope this Whole30 helps me stop being a slave to the scale.

My plan for exercise today is ½ hour run with my dog, Lucy (done), and lifting weights after work. I am looking forward to getting off work with a clear head knowing I made good choices today.

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Sounds like you are on a good path. Like you, I am kind of a slave to the scale. I normally weigh myself every day but I get into bad places with it at times and just give up. It is nice to not have to worry about and to know that what I am doing will positively effect the scale reading at the end of 30 days. I actually took my scale and put it in the closet. Out of sight, out of mind.

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Day 6 and feeling groovy. Yes, I have had cravings, but I have been practicing the suggestions successfully. I had a good strength training session last night and my butt is officially kicked today. I love that feeling. Today I ran ½ hour and I am not exercising today except for a 20 minute walk at lunch to get my body moving... I have a desk job.

Meal 1

Lots of stir fried veggies (broccoli, garlic, onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, zucchini, asparagus, spinach, olive oil, open handful of kalamata olives) topped 3 eggs and an 1/8th of an acorn squash.

Meal 2

Banana, closed hand of cashews

Meal 3

Huge spring green salad with lots of raw veggies, topped with guacamole, salsa, vinegar and roasted chicken and an 1/8th of acorn squash

Meal 4

Unfortunately I have to go to a client dinner and it will be a huge buffet of non-approved foods and a couple things I can eat. I will bring my own sweet potato, roasted veggies and salad dressing. The food I will eat from there is roast beef and roast turkey and I will have some stuff from the salad bar. This is going to be trick and I will have to do it as inconspicuously as possible. If questions are asked I am not afraid to be bold and courageous!!!

I am so happy I am off work for 4 days starting after my client dinner tonight.

Have an awesome day!

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No need to be inconspicuous, just be your new self! Get the foods you want and pass on the foods that you can't have. If anyone asks, say "I have made some positive changes to my diet". Be strong! And don't forget to smile :)

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