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Halfway through Bicky's Whole30 and blogging!


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Today is day 16 of my first Whole30 and I'm thrilled! I am not the same person I was 16 days ago; and that's a good thing!

I've been photographing most of my meals and jotting down hand written notes along the way. I plan to add my notes to my photos, but for now I have the photos online as a beginning blog.

I have had a long standing TMI response to vegetables, so I started slow with them. On day 8 I had a huge portion of steamed broccoli and suffered tremendous bloating and trapped gas. I'm fine with keeping broccoli out of the mix for now! Little by little, I'm getting more veggies in and starting to have them with breakfast.

In a nutshell: Major puffiness is gone and I'm no longer living in constant bloat and gas pain. I have energy again and it's steady throughout the day. I'm no longer taking any sleep aids and sleeping well. I'm getting up before the alarm and arriving at work an hour earlier with a prepared lunch. My blood pressure which was hovering at borderline high with meds is normal. But most of all...

I'm happy for the first time in a very, very long time :D

Anyway, here are my Whole30 photos:


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Yesterday (day 17) was my first time having to deal with being out and about at meal time. It wasn't actually hard, but it taught me that it is really important to have easy "go to" meal stuff ready. I got home around 6PM and usually I have eaten dinner (meal 3) by then. I fried a grass-fed steak and steamed some brussel sprouts and ate dinner around 6:45PM.

Today I plan to make my first batch of mayo. I haven't found light olive oil that isn't "virgin" yet. I hope to do that today. :)

Also, I started using Nature's Calm Thursday night. I like it! It definitely is calming. These 17 nights are probabl the longest stretch I've gone in many years without sleep aids.

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Today is Day 19

I woke up in a bad mood after having a bizarre dream. I haven't had any food dreams, but my dreams are strange and mostly bad and extremely vidid. Anyway, I actually woke to the alarm instead of before it and hit the snooze. Then I started dreaming of reasons I should go into work late today. Fortunately, once I was up and sipping my hot cocoa (coconut milk, cinnamon, and organic cocoa powder), I got my wits about me and made breakfast, packed my lunch and made my son's breakfast and got through the morning routine and out the door on time. I guess the fact that it was 16 deg F (-9 C) didn't help.

On one hand, I am adapting to shopping and cooking which were non-existent prior to W30. But on the other hand, I am feeling some resentment of how much work I have to do to eat healthy. I remind myself of how great I feel and that it is worth it, but I'm kind of wanting to be lazy sometimes and I'm not seeing how you can get away with that.

I think it's probably normal to feel like this at this point. I went from amazed at how great I feel and really proud of myself for becoming "one of those people who shops and cooks" to becoming accustom to feeling good and the newness has worn off. Now it's time to work hard to solidify these new habits and hold on to all the great things I've gained.

I've been thinking a lot about Day 31; that day is stressing me so I am trying not to think about it. :wacko:

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Day 20

I can't believe I've kicked a three year sugar-free Monster habit and a life long Diet Coke habit!

This morning I had egg salad made with my home made mayonnaise, spicy brown mustart and celery seed. It was delicious. I'm so glad I tried the mayo recipe. I'm going to make some avacado salad dressing with it today.

Last night I was having some stress over wondering if I'm really going to keep doing this. The thought of reintroducing foods and off-roading is very scary. I know I don't have to off-road, but a life-long diet mentality tells me if it's allowed, then I'm going to do it and I'm going to push the limit until I break it. I actually don't really miss anything but I understand the concept of reintroduction so that in the future if I do need or want to off-road I can do it safely. But it is a little confusing, too. After reading and re-reading the damaging affects of grains, legumes, and dairy, I wonder why I would try to put them back in my diet?

There's no school and my lab is closed today due to snow. Woo Hoo, I get to stay home :D

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Day 21

I was up by 5AM (alarm is set for 5:30) and feeling great. I have never been a morning person. I used to get up in the nick of time to drudge out the door half prepared to meet the day. Now I enjoy sipping my hot cocoa in the quietness of the early hours. Who is this person?

Last night I felt a definite longing for food that wasn't hunger. It's really my first time on W30. I seem to be slow at reaching the various stages of the timeline. I had carb flu from day 1 1/2 through 5, massive headaches and lethargy from day 1 1/2 through 7. I started feeling really great on day 8 (Tiger blood?) but I haven't had any food dreams. My dreams are bizarre and vivid and wild. This morning was the first day I've woken up on W30 without puzzling over what strange things just happened and then realized I had been dreaming. Maybe that is a shift in phases. And last night was the first real craving experience, although, I didnt crave anything in particular, I just longed to eat.

BUT, I didn't! And I woke up feeling esctatic about that! I have enough experience of multiple eating plans to know that the ability to ignore those longings is the food and not some new found will power.

I also got on the treadmill and did my week 4, day 2 training of couch to 5K (C25K). That was will power! I was once a marathon runner. I suffered a major spine injuring in 2006 and was house bound, nearly bed ridden for over a year. I had a spinal fusion in 2008 and I have full mobility again. But the experience did something to me. I fear pain now in a strange way. So, getting back on the horse is an act of will power. I hope to one day long for running the way I used to.

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Day 22:

Slept well, but had horrible dreams. Woke at 5:14AM. I'm still amazed that I am getting up before the alarm; and it is so much nicer!

I made fried sweet potatoes last night for dinner. They were heavenly. They are so sweet! I can't believe I used to eat them with marshmellows and brown sugar at Thanksgiving! I almost wondered if they stirred the sugar dragon a little because I wanted to go back and get more and eat and eat. But I didn't and the desire went a way.

I also can't believe I am going to bed without snacking. My whole life I have consumed the majority of my day's food in the late hours. The thought of going to bed without a bedtime snack was just unthinkable. I do find that I am sometimes restless when I first lay down now. But once I fall asleep I sleep very soundly. If I could just lose the wild and often bad dreams, my sleeping would be perfect.

I also can't believe I'm not choosing my food according to calories, carbs or fat grams. My clothes are fitting better and I'm not starving or feeing deprived.

I'm happy :)

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Day 23:

One more week after today... until what? On day 0 I already knew what I would re-introduce into my diet: cheese and peanut butter. I hoped both would work. But now I'm wondering why I would do that. I guess I need to find out which foods (beyond sugar) are problematic. But I'm afraid that if I can handle cheese, I will slip back into living on cheese. I'm really torn between learning about how bad those foods are for my body and wanting to be able to eat a little more freely such as going to restaurants and out with friends.

I did week 4, day 3 of C25K yesterday plus a couple of extra miles on my treadmill. It snowed again. I am so thankful to have a treadmill, but the delay of Spring is getting to me. I used to run outside no matter what except when the sidewalks were covered in ice. Now I'm a wimp!

Last night I cooked shrimp in garlic clarified butter and it was delicious. I also had to throw out a little left-over butternut squash because it spoiled. While that's bad news; the good news is that in 22 days of buying an abundance of vegetables, that is the first wasted one. On day 0 I filled my grocery cart with organic vegetables and meats. I actually cried when I headed to the check-out because I felt it would be another failed attempt to get healthy and I'd be throwing all that expensive food out in a week because it spoiled while I continue to eat junk. I am so happy that wasn't the case!

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Day 24:

I think I discovered what is making my dreams so vivid; waking naturally intead of by the alarm. Last night my son fell out of bed. He's 12 so no worries. Anyway, I heard the loud thud which startled me out of sleep. Once I checked that he was ok and laid back down I realized I only vaguely remembered what I had been dreaming about. So, I'm guessing that being startled out of sleep by an alarm has the same affect.

Well, it's Saturday around 7:20AM and I've already prepared and eated breakfast, walked the dog, warmed and mixed a can of coconut milk, and have chicken legs and thighs roasting in the oven! As soon as they are done I'm heading to the gym. This is very different than a pre-W30 Saturday morning!

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Day 26

This weekend went smoothly. Preparing food for the week was routine, no longer overwhelming. I made a batch of mayonnaise, roasted a bunch of chicken, sauted a big batch of zuchinni, roasted sweet potatoes, and made my first pot of chocolate chili! Wow! This is sure a huge change from how I was living in February!

I'm feeling a little bit stronger in my workouts. My exercise level was nearly zero in Feb. I made it to the gym by 8:30AM on Saturday and did 4 miles on my home treadmill on Sunday, including C25K week 5, day 1.

I took my son and his friends to the mall on Saturday (their choice, not mine). I've never liked the mall but it seemed even more fake than ever. All the fake scents and fake food irritated me. I got a bunch of steps in on my FitBit, but beyond that, the mall is pretty much useless to me.

I think it's time to re-read ISWF over these last four days to better set a plan. Based on my weighin in four days I may be putting thought into portions. I've been eating big meals without snacks throughout W30. I'm never hungry, other than shortly before a meal. That's great news, but I think it might be because I am thoroughly enjoying eating without counting. I'm bracing myself for a not so great end result in weight. I didn't take measurements on Day 0 or at all, so all I have to go on is the scale. I'm afraid I'm going to find that a little more hunger is necessary to lose this weight. <_<

Anyway, I'm still happy, happy, happy. :D

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Day 27 and I'm sick. I think I caught something from my son's friend who was sick over the weekend or from that dreaded mall. I have a tight very sore throat and achiness. I am finding it real hard not to turn to some cough syrup or lozenges. I am sipping herbal tea.

Nothing more to report right now. Everything is still on track and compliant. I'm looking forward to feeling good once this virus passes.

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Day 31

I made it! That is, if you consider the fact that the last food I ate on day 0 was around 6PM.

It turns out I have pneumonia, ear infection and flu. Of all the many foods I've dreamed of re-introducing on day 31, two anitboitics and prescription cough syrup were not on any list. :angry: But that is exactly how I broke my whole30 at 7PM last night.

I finally broke down and went to the doctor. My temp was 102.5 degF with a resting pulse of 143. No wonder I've been so miserable the past 5 days. They put me on two different antibiotics and told me I will feel like "human road kill." Great. I've spent the past 30 days healing my gut only to have it ripped apart again. But this is temporary. I plan to stay on w30 compliant foods and when the treatment is over, continue on w30 without re-intro until I feel normal.

This morning, day 31, I am down 12 lbs!

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I'm still hanging in there! It is very strange to go from being totally intune with my body on w30 to feeling like a train wreck on antibiotics. But I haven't wavered on my w30 compliant foods. I plan to stay w30 for a while after the antibiotics and pneumonia/flu/ear infection have gone to regain a sense of "self" before moving forward.

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