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Anybody have success dealing with PSD?

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I've had PSD for the last 3 pregnancies as well as between them to a lesser extent. After my youngest (18 months) was born, it actually went away. But the pain came back before I even knew I was pg this time, and was one of the first reasons I suspected I was pg. In the last few days, the PSD pain has increased and I now have the constant clicking when I walk. Not the hip joints--the middle of the pelvis. I'm starting day 9 on my first Whole30, and I think I might be starting to see some minor improvement in my upper back/shoulders/neck area. But at the same time, the PSD is definitely starting to get worse. It was right around 20 weeks, I think, that it got really bad the last two times. Have any of you dealt with that? Has Whole30 helped with it?

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I've not had PSD, but I've been struggling with an SI joint that just won't stay aligned. I have found GREAT relief with chiropractic care - honestly, it's made an enormous difference in my general mobility and quality of life. I've been going once a week since about week 20, and things continue to feel better, even at this very late stage in my pregnancy.

Find someone who specializes in pregnancy, and the Webster Method. (That's more a technique for turning breech babies, but these chiros also focus on pelvic alignment and ligament alignment - both critical to ensuring a pain-free pregnancy.)


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