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T's Whole 30 - Take 2


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Started a Whole30 March 1 and finished 9 days and then got completely off track despite the fact that I felt so good. So, I am committing to starting again on 3/21. This time I will make it all 30 days. If 9 was that amazing I can't wait to see what 30 will bring.

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So Day 1 - HUGE success. Feeling good and re-committed. Had eggs for breakfast, then went to Trader Joe's and bought some coconut milk, salsa, sausage, and some fruits and veggies. Now I feel like I am stocked up for a few days. I also have some delicious bone broth I made last week.

For lunch I had broccoli slaw, chicken breast and salsa. For snacks I had a few nuts, raw bell peppers, and some tea with coconut milk. For dinner I made stuffed bell peppers. They were delicious.

Going to spend a few minutes and think about tomorrow's meals and then, to sleep. I truly believe sleep is key to making life work well and I do not get enough of it (with five kids - one still a toddler).

Looking forward to Day 2. Spending a little time each day trying to think about the emotional connections to food, and why I want to be healthier, and how to deal with the stress.

Since I stopped my first Whole30 and started allowing sugar and carbs back into my eating routine I feel puffy and my brain is in a fog. Am really looking forward to the clear headedness I felt while doing Whole30 before, and to the easier workout recoveries, etc.

Also, I was thinking today that I can't wait to see what Day30 is like if 9 days made me feel that good.

Moving on to Day 2......

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Day 2. Done and done well. Had 3 eggs for breakfast with avocado. Nuts for snacks. Salad with romaine, shrimp, and avocado for lunch. Shrimp and broccoli slaw with lime juice for dinner. For whatever reason, this time feels more "routine," and less exotic and weird. I thought I would miss coffee but I absolutely love my tea with coconut milk. The meals are filling and I enjoy eating. I still do make the food and then find myself standing up, or eating while trying to feed kids, etc. I am, however, really trying to sit down and relax and enjoy the meal, rather than rushing through it to get someone else fed or bathed, or in bed, etc.

Read to tackle Day 3.....

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